Three First Blue Candle (Current WR Route)

This is the current world record route. Several contributions go to this route from LackAttack24, Darkwing Duck and Cantaloupe (Cantoutfapme). The difficulty of this route is making sure you have a good rupee and bomb count coming out of Level 1 (in addition to using a wood sword the whole time).Get the Wooden Sword out of the cave on the starting screenScreen scroll to Level 3After leaving Level 3, head to Level 4After leaving Level 4, make your way to Level 1 (you need at or around 30 rupees leaving Level 1 and 5-8 bombs)After leaving Level 1 Get the HEART CONTAINER at heart rockGo one screen east and get the 30 SECRETMake your way to the screen east of Level 5 and buy the BLUE CANDLEScreen scroll to Level 5After leaving level 5, use the Recorder to warp to Level 3Get the 100 SECRET WNW of Level 3 (Dead wood 100 Secret)Screen scroll toward the graveyard but make your way down south to do the world wrap and grab the LADDER HEARTGo north and get the RAFT HEARTGet the 30 SECRET at the armos east of Level 2Scroll over to Level 2After leaving Level 2, use the Recorder to warp to Level 4 and buy MEAT and ARROWSMake your way to Level 7After leaving Level 7, scroll to the graveyard Collect the MAGIC SWORD from the old man at the graveEnter Level 6After leaving Level 6, use the Recorder to warp to Level 2Enter Level 8After leaving Level 8, use the Recorder to warp to Level 1Enter Level 9