Upper Drop Downs


Normal Hints

These are the hints found normally in the original game

Helpful Hints

These hints will tell you useful information about where a dungeon or item is - see the Hint Explanation page for more detailed information

Community Hints

Hints that are made up by the community, consisting of random funnies, movie references, super long text, pay door trolls and dank memes

Deception Hints

Hints like those in the helpful option, but with a 50% chance they are false

Mixed Hints

A combination of helpful and community hints


Old men, shops and hint caves will contain no text


Randomly selects from one of the 6 hint options

Overworld Quest

1st Quest

1st Quest Overworld as seen here ○ There are three large secrets on the 1st Quest Overworld

2nd Quest

2nd Quest Overworld as seen here ○ If playing 2nd Quest Overworld WITHOUT the Cave Shuffle optionon and WITH the Dungeon Shapes option on, the dungeon level numbers have been switched to fit their proper triforce locations on the menu (2/3, 4/5, 7/8 are switched)(i.e. the dungeon under 1st Quest Level 2's location will be Level 2 and NOT Level 3) this is important due to item quantities in dungeons and if they are on the floor or not ○ There is only one large secret on the 2nd Quest Overworld

Mixed Quest - 1st

A combination of 1st and 2nd Quest Overworld Locations ○ Mixed Quest maps will have the same total number of caves as a 1st Quest Map ○ Any cave that is on both the 1st and 2nd quest maps will always be on the Mixed Quest map ○ The rest of the caves will be randomly shuffled between 1st and 2nd Quest locations ○ 1st Quest Level 2 will be a lake, 1st Quest Level 3 will be a level, 1st Quest Level 5 will be a level ○ Mixed Quest Overworld forces the Cave Shuffle option, regardless of whether it is on or off ○ There will be three large secrets on a Mixed Quest - 1st Overworld

Mixed Quest - 2nd

Same as Mixed Quest - 1st, but uses second quest cave and secret counts (you get only one large secret)


One of the above options, which is randomly selected

Dungeon Quest

1st Quest

1st Quest Dungeons

2nd Quest

2nd Quest Dungeons ○ Due to how the game was coded and dungeon numbers being switched in 2nd Quest, the triforces for 2/3, 4/5 and 7/8 will be switched i.e. getting the triforce in the Level labeled 2, will fill the slot for triforce 3 in the menu, and you will whistle to 1st Quest Level 3 as well ○ There are NO walk-through walls in Level 1, 3 and 7 ○ There SHOULD be NO bombable walls in Levels 3, 5 and 7, but it can occasionally occur due to how the randomizer selects doors when it places rooms


A combination of 1st and 2nd Quest Dungeons ○ Can either be 1st Quest 1-6 with 2nd Quest 7-9 with 1st Quest Dungeon Item distribution - two items in Level 1 (one in a stair, one on the ground), one item on the ground in Level 2, one item in a stair in Level 3 and one item in a stair in Level 4 -----OR----- ○ 2nd Quest 1-6 with 1st Quest 7-9 with 2nd Quest Dungeon Item distribution - one item on the ground in Level 1, one item in a stair in Level 2, one item on the ground in Level 3 and two items in a stair in Level 4


If selected, the shapes of the dungeons will be randomly created ○ Map is now extremely useful ○ Levels will increase in size from 1 to 6 (which share a grid), 7 will be smaller than 8 (which share a grid) and 9 will be the same size ○ Any of the holes in the map will NEVER be rooms in the dungeons (such as the eye's of the skull of the Level 9 Vanilla Map) ○ There will NEVER be dark rooms in Dungeon Shapes ○ Dungeon Shapes uses the 1st Quest Dungeon Item distribution (two items in Level 1, one in Level 2, one in Level 3, one in Level 4, etc)

Mixed + Shapes

Same as Mixed Quest, but now shapes is included in the mix. So out of 1st Quest, 2nd Quest and Shapes, two are chosen - one for dungeons 1-6 and the other for 7-9

Random No Shapes

One of the above options, which is randomly selected, excluding Shapes


One of the above options, which is randomly selected, excluding Random No Shapes