Shops Tab

Shuffle Shop Items

If selected, the items in shops will be shuffled, along with their prices ○ Prices will be +/- 20 rupees of their original prices (i.e. the Blue Candle that normally costs 60 rupees, can cost between 40 to 80 rupees) ○ If this option is ON in conjunction with the Boomstick option, the Book will only be available in the RARE SHOP ○ If this option is OFF with the Boomstick option ON, the Book may be available in multiple shops

Extra Candles

If selected, the Blue Candle will be available in the Wood Sword Cave, as well as the "Take Any You Want" Caves

Change Sword Hearts

If selected, the hearts required for the White Sword Item will be shuffled between 4 to 6 hearts, and the Magical Sword between 10 to 14 hearts ○ If this option is off, the White Sword Item will require 5 hearts, and the Magical Sword 12 hearts

Change Money Making Game (MMG)

If selected, the rupee prize, or loss, for the MMG will be shuffled

Change Bomb Upgrades

If selected, the bomb upgrade cost will be between 75 to 125 rupees and will give 2 to 6 bombs ○ If the Blackout option is on, the bomb upgrade will give 4 to 8 bombs ○ If this option is off, the bomb upgrade will cost 100 rupees and will give 4 bombs

Shuffle Armos

If selected, the Power Bracelet Item "spot" and the stairs will be shuffled among the TOP ROW of the five screens (one per screen) where armos hide stairs - normal PB spot, Blue Ring Shop, South East of 5, East of 2 and North-North East of 8 on the 1st Quest Map