Misc Tab

Item Sprites

Allows you to select how the randomizer will treat game sprites ○ Normal - The item sprites will be the same as in the original game ○ Fun% - The item sprites will be randomly selected from the group available and will all be the same sprite (e.g. all the sprites can be a sheild) ○ Sprite Shuffle - The item sprites will the randomly shuffled (e.g. the boomerang can be the wand sprite) ○ Random - The randomizer randomly selects one of the above three options

Replace Book Fire with Explosion

If selected, if you have both the book and the Wand, it will explode on impact with the enemy, instead of leaving a fire. ○ The Book can be bought in the "rare" shop for 200 rupee ○ A Big Shield will replace the Book as a dungeon item

Book to Understand Old Man

All old men (outside of Level 9's entrance) will say the same thing under you get the Book

Book is an Atlas

The book will act as a map for all dungeons

Permanent Sword Beam

If selected, Link will always shoot a sword beam when swinging the sword

Speed Up Text

If selected, the text speed of the old men is significantly increased

Link Sprite

Selects the sprite which Link will be displayed as ○ Zelda ○ Old Man ○ Old Woman ○ Merchant ○ Lynel ○ Moblin ○ Goriya ○ Darknut ○ Wizzrobe ○ Staflos ○ Gibdo ○ Random ○ TROGDOR ○ Link will replace whatever sprite is chosen (e.g. if you pick darknut, you will have Blue/Red Links in their place)

Starting Tunic Color

Selects the tunic color which Link starts with ○ Green ○ Blue Ring ○ Red Ring ○ Pink ○ Sky Blue ○ White ○ Light Grey ○ Midnight Blue ○ Dungeon Green ○ Plum ○ Orange ○ Random


Allows you to choose how the game will play music ○ Normal ○ Shuffle ○ Disable

Enable Item Swap with Select

If selected, you can use the select button to change weapons, instead of needing to go to the menu ○ This removes the ability to pause the game, which can be useful in some situations ○ This option is independent of the flags and will not change them

Randomize Other Tunics

If selected, the tunic color of the Blue and Red Rings will be randomized

Remove Low Health Beep

If selected, the beep for health will be removed

Randomize Recorder Tune

If selected, will replace the recorder tune with one of over 100 songs. This will not affect the seed that is generated, but it is recommended


Allows you to replace the "LEVEL" above the dungeon maps with something different ○ Level ○ Board ○ Random - Has many options that are not available in the drop down

Heart Color in HUD

○ Green ○ Blue ○ Red ○ Pink ○ White ○ Light Grey ○ Midnight Blue ○ Dungeon Green ○ Plum ○ Orange ○ Random

Print Quest Info

If selected, a spoiler log will be printed with information on what all the overworld caves contain, the dungeon layouts and where the items are in those dungeons ○ This will generate a different seed than if the flag is off