Dungeons Tab

Level 9 Entry

This drop down allows you to choose what is required to enter Level 9 ○ 1-8 Triforces - this means you will need whatever number of triforce "units" you selected to enter Level 9 ○ Open Level 9 - this means that nothing is required to enter Level 9 ○ Random Triforces - this means randomly from 1-8 Triforces will be required to enter Level 9 ○ Other Item - this means that one of the dungeon items will be selected to grant entry to Level 9, with a few exceptions ○ Boomerangs, Rings and consumables (potions, meat, bombs etc.) will never be an option ○ Arrows can be either wooden or silver ○ Sword can be either wood, white or magical ○ Candle can be either blue or red ○ Random - this means that (in theory) it will pick randomly from 8 Triforces, Open Level 9, Random Triforces or Other Item with a 25% to pick each Due to the code, certain flags may make the randomizer tilt slightly in the favor of some options

Shuffle Dungeon Rooms

If selected, will randomly shuffle the rooms and doors within a dungeon ○ Dungeons will have the same layout as before (e.g. Level 2 will retain it's "Moon" shape), but the rooms may be placed in different orders inside the dungeon ○ Doors will be shuffled in such a way that you will require roughly the same resources to fully complete the dungeons (e.g. Level 1 will have 6 key doors and 2 bombable walls)

Force Gannon Fight

If selected, you must defeat Gannon and obtain his Triforce before Zelda's door will open ○ If this option is ON, Zelda's room will be closed off with 1 to 4 shutter doors that WILL NOT open if the room is cleared ○ If this option is OFF, Zelda's room will be accessable without killing Gannon and may be behind a key door, a bombable wall, a shutter door, open door or walk-thru wall

Shuffle Dungeon Text

If selected, the text of the old men in the dungeons will be shuffled

Randomize Dungeon Rooms

If selected, rooms may shuffle between dungeons ○ A couple of examples are - Gannon's room being moved into another dungeon, a spiral staircase in Level 1 or a "Chevy" room in Level 2 ○ There will still be one Triforce, Heart Container, Map and Compass in Levels 1 thru 8, and a Map and Compass in Level 9 ○ Gannon and Zelda will still be found in Level 9

Add 2nd Quest Rooms

If selected, dungeon rooms may be taken from 2nd Quest when generating the "Shapes" levels ○ This can include 2nd Quest stair rooms (diagonal block, spike trap, five pair, grid, gohma, maze and three horizontal row rooms) ○ The push blocks for these rooms will ALWAYS be the LEFTMOST MIDDLE block ○ REQUIRES Randomize Dungeon Shapes option to be ON

Add 2nd Quest Doors

If selected, walk-through walls may exist ○ Levels 1, 3 and 7 will NEVER have walk-through walls ○ Currently there will NEVER be one-way walk-through walls ○ REQUIRES Randomize Dungeon Shapes option to be ON

Hide Dungeon Numbers

Allows you to hide the dungeon numbers, other than Level 9

Allow Important Items in 9

If selected, important items may be found in Level 9 ○ Important items are the Ladder, Raft, Power Bracelet, Recorder and Bow ○ This feature will now work with any form of Level 9 entry

Shuffle Dungeon Start Rooms

If selected, the start room of the dungeons 1-8 may be shuffled as well ○ The start room of the dungeon will be randomly chosen from any room on the edge of the constructed dungeon ○ Does not affect Level 9

Shuffle Dungeon Palettes

If selected, the colors of the dungeons will be mixed up, with new color schemes added to the mix

Shuffle Hungry Goriya

If selected, the Hungry Goriya can be moved to any dungeon ○ This includes Level 9 as a possibility and will swap places with an old man from that dungeon

Shuffle Bomb Upgrade Men

If selected, the bomb upgrade men (normally found in levels 5 and 7 in the first quest) will be swapped randomly with two other old men (possibly in different dungeons)

Add Life or Money Rooms

If selected, 1 to 3 old men in the 1st Quest Dungeons will be replaced with "Life or Money" rooms (normally seen in 2nd quest)

Change "Leave Your Life or Money" Rooms

If selected, the cost requirements to escape the "Life or Money" rooms will be changed. Possible costs include: ○ 30 to 70 rupees ○ 2 to 5 keys (may be paid with the Magical Key for free) ○ -1 heart container (or reduce your health to 0 HP if you have 3 heart containers) ○ -1 bomb capacity ○ The leftmost option will always be able to be paid by the player to escape