Dungeon Items Tab

Shuffle Dungeon Items

If selected, the items inside dungeons will be shuffled ○ The "Important Items" Bow, the Recorder, the Raft, the Power Bracelet and the Ladder will NEVER be shuffled into Level 9 unless the Allow Important Items in 9 flag is checked ○ If the Swordless option is checked, the wand also cannot be in Level 9 unless the Allow Important Items in 9 flag is checked

Shuffle Power Bracelet

If selected, the Power Bracelet will be shuffled in with the dungeon items list and a random dungeon item from that list will be put in the Power Bracelet spot ○ This shuffle is independent of the Ladder Heart and White Sword shuffles ○ REQUIRES the Shuffle Dungeon Items option to be selected

Shuffle Ladder Heart

If selected, the Ladder Heart will be shuffled in with the dungeon items list and a random dungeon item from that list will be put in the Ladder Heart spot ○ This shuffle is independent of the Power Bracelet and White Sword shuffles ○ REQUIRES the Shuffle Dungeon Items option to be selected

Shuffle White Sword

If selected, the White Sword will be shuffled in with the dungeon items list and a random dungeon item from that list will be put in the White Sword Cave ○ This shuffle is independent of the Power Bracelet and Ladder Heart shuffles ○ REQUIRES the Shuffle Dungeon Items option to be selected

Force RR/SA to 9

If selected, Red Ring and Silver Arrows will be found only in Level 9 ○ If NOT selected, Red Ring and Silver Arrows can be found in any location that an item shuffle has been selected ○ REQUIRES the Shuffle Dungeon Items option to be selected

Shuffle Dungeon Drops

If selected, dungeon drops (Triforce, Heart, Keys, Map, Compass, Bombs, Rupees and the Floor Items in Level 1 and 2) will be shuffled between rooms in the dungeons ○ If the option is OFF, all drops will be in their normal rooms - most notable is that the Triforce will be in normal room, so you will never need to kill enemies to find it ○ If this option is ON, Triforces and Heart Containers will NEVER be found in DARK rooms in dungeons, but all rooms that naturally had item drops in the original game will still have drops in them (e.g. if the Gleeok room in 4 is shuffled and ends up being dark, it cannot contain the triforce, but will still have an item drop) ○ If the option is OFF, and Dungeon Shapes options is ON, the only drop to be guaranteed to be in it's normal room is the Triforce, since the rooms and what drops in them in. Dungeon Shapes are randomly selected from those available out of the rooms normally found in that dungeon (or from any dungeon if the Randomize Dungeon Rooms option is ON)

Shuffle Dungeon Hearts

If selected, the eight heart containers dropped by bosses will be included in the dungeon item shuffle

Shuffle Minor Dungeon Drops

If selected, bombs/5 rupee/keys will be included in the item shuffle, meaning that multiple items can be on the floor in a dungeon

Replace WS/MS with Bomb Upgrades

If selected, the White and Magical Swords will be replaced with a Bomb+ that gives +2 bomb capacity○ If using random starting items with this flag and you start with the white sword, it will be a Bomb+ sprite and it will function as a white sword