Which Programming Language To Learn For The Beginners

In this blog, we will tell you a brief overview of some programming languages. With these languages, you can understand which programming language is better for you. And for your future, it's good to know your programming language is better.

Which Programming Languages To Learn


Python is one of the best languages, it is easy to teach him to readability. And it is also a free and programming language of open code. For programming backward and application development, it is a great choice.


  • The language of Pithon supports several systems and platforms.

  • With object-oriented programming (OOP) features, we can create and use classes and objects.

  • Extended Library Support

  • In this, you can deploy complex applications without major difficulties.


  • For mobile calculations, it is not good/ideal

  • Because the programming language is interpreted, it is slower.

  • The Global Interpreter (GIL) thread of locking is not good.

  • The Python database access layer is a little immature

Usage/application: It is used primarily for web development, scientific applications, business applications, desktop GUI, etc.


Java is a programming language and is designed to develop Web applications. It's one of the best choices for big organizations. And because of his stability, large companies use it. Java is not so hard to learn, and it is a very popular language.


  • The Java language has a large number of open source libraries.

  • The Java language has automatic memory distribution and refuses to collect.

  • Supports the OOP paradigm

  • That's for sure and supports a multi-thread building.


  • It is expensive to manage Java memory.

  • A limited lack of a template by creating high-quality data structures.

  • This is slower compared to other programming languages such as C and C + +.

Usage/applications: Java is primarily used for Android applications, Web applications, and Big Data.


The programming language of R is used for data analysis and machine learning to develop a powerful mechanical learning algorithm, R language provides an excellent framework and built-in libraries. Used for graphical and statistical calculations. The companies accepted the language of R.


  • R languages are an open code language, which means that everything can be used and changed.

  • It is a comprehensive language of the statistical analysis.

  • The R language encourages you to develop new ideas.

  • R language can work on different operating systems because of its platform character.


  • In the R language, security is not good.

  • The program policy is also not rigorous.

  • Memory management is also bad.

  • The quality of some packages cannot be marked.

Usage/application: R programming language primarily used for data science projects, statistical calculation and mechanical learning.


JavaScript is a forward programming language and is used in the development of frontend applications. Nowadays, many companies use JavaScript-based environment and that is NodeJS. You can use a single programming language for client and server-side scripts using JS.


  • Client-side JavaScript is run very quickly in a client-side browser.

  • JavaScript is an easy language to learn.

  • With other languages, you can work very easily.

  • Increasing functionality has many supplements, such as Greasemonkei.


  • It cannot be copied and the same method is not available.

  • Different browsers interpret JavaScript differently.

  • JAVASCRIPT Several succession is not possible, it allows only one inheritance.

Usage/applications: JavaScript language used primarily for Web application development, desktop application development, mobile application development, game development.


A quick programming language is used to develop IOS applications. Nowadays, it is increasingly popular and based on iOS devices. For example, Apple iPhone and it creates serious competition in Android.


  • The language syntax of Swift is English, so it's easy to read.

  • This language has a feature that prevents memory leaks, which is an automatic memory management feature.

  • We can easily add new features to the Swift language.

  • Compared to other languages such as Pithon, Objective-C, it is fast.


  • Swift has limited language resources.

  • Community support is also limited.

  • Swift developers are very limited because it is a new programming language.

  • Swift is a bit unstable thanks to the continuous updating of the Apple Swift version.

Usage Application: The Swift language is used to create all kinds of iOS applications while working with the Apple Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frames.

C/C + +

C/C + + is like programming bread and butter. This kind of low-level system, such as operating systems, file files, and so on, is generally written to C/C + +. If you want to be a system-level programmer, you must learn C/C + + language.


  • In C/C + + programs, execution is faster than most programming languages.

  • To understand the most complex programming languages, it forms the basis.

  • C/C + + + written programs are easy to understand.

  • He has a large feature library.


  • Its syntax is complicated.

  • She is unable to solve the problems of programming in the real world.

  • There is no waste collection or dynamic distribution of memory in this language.

  • There is no time and strict check type.

Usage Application: C + + is commonly used for calculating forward, gaming design, and graphic compilers.


C # is a programming language developed by Microsoft. It's a universal programming language. It is usually used for programming backward, to create Windows Mobile apps or to develop games through unity, etc.


The C syntax is mostly the same as the language C.

C # is fully integrated with the .NET library.

Time of execution and compilation C # is fast.

It's easy to integrate with Windows.


  • In unprotected blocks, it allows you to determine.

  • C # is less than C + +.

  • This requires a decent time to study.

  • For the prevention of errors, competence and good knowledge are required.

Usage Application: C is primarily used for development of business applications, Web applications.


PHP is a scripting language and is basically used for web development. PHP means Hypertect Preprocessor. PHP language is free and open-source language. It is typically used for interactive and efficient HTML webpages.


  • Easy to create Web pages.

  • PHP is the first-class debugging and Ksdebug.

  • Supports object and functional programming.

  • Too much of a powerful frame.


  • Development of websites in PHP is not faster compared to the use of other programming languages.

  • Because the language of the open code is not sure.

  • Error handling can not be good.

Usage Application: PHP is generally used for content management systems, e-commerce applications, Web applications.

Conclusion: You can now choose which programming language to learn. On this blog, we have told you a brief overview of some of the most important languages. So now it all depends on you who uses the programming language.

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