Organizational Behavior Assignment

Organizational behavior is the study of individuals and groups within organizations, as well as the study of the role of organizations in shaping the economic and social life of societies through Organizational Behavior Assignment Help . Organizational behavior defines the right way of acting within the employer. This culture includes shared beliefs and values linked to the help of leaders and then communicated and strengthened through a variety of methods, shaping employees' perceptions, behaviors and expertise over the long term human behavior.

  • The study of organizational behaviours helps a better understanding of the relationship between an organization and its employees, which helps in the development of better human resource strategies in improving the work environment, employee loyalty and increasing the overall value of human capital for the organization.

  • Organizational Behavior can be defined as the understanding, prediction and management of human behavior within an organization, either individually or in a group.Organizational behavior helps to understand the cause of the problem, predicts its future direction and regulates its outcomes.Knowledge of organizational behavior helps managers manage their employees effectively and efficiently, motivates and induces them to improve efficiency and productivity through better understanding and analysis of human behaviour.

The organization achieves different levels of efficiency and effectiveness


This is the process of monitoring and improving the behavior of individuals and organizations to keep moving towards the goal.


This is where the process of determining the organizational objective, the desired future position and the best way to achieve this happens.Environmental scanning, target setting and tactical development are all activities that are directly related to behavioral aspects.

There are many factors that could influence organizational behavior.


Structure defines the unique relationship between people in an organization. Different people in an organization are given different roles and have a certain relationship with others. It leads to the division of labor so that people can perform their duties or work in order to achieve the organizational objective.

Social system

The social system provides the external environment in which the organization operates. It influences people's attitudes, their working conditions and, above all, it creates competition for resources and power.


Technology provides the physical and economic conditions under which people work. The nature of technology depends very much on the nature of the organization and affects the working or working conditions. Technology therefore brings efficiency and at the same time restricts people in different ways. Organizational behavior management is concerned with the behavior of individuals and groups within organizations through Organizational Behavior Assignment . They investigate the enhancement of the effectiveness of human capital of an organization in order to gain competitive advantage and achieve organizational objectives.

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