
When we talk about general-purpose programming languages, the first two languages that come to our mind are C++ and Python. There are a lot of differences between C++ vs Python. The only similarity between these two is common purpose languages.

Let's start with the brief introduction of C++. We can say that it is the successor of c language with object-oriented capabilities. Python, on the other hand, is the most popular high-level programming language in the world. It is quite easy to use; Python's most unique feature is that you don't need to declare variables in Python.


C++ is one of the most popular and widely used general-purpose programming languages. It is used to develop complex systems where hardware level coding is required. But C++ isn't as portable as other high-level programming languages.

If you want to run it on another machine you need to compile the C++ code every time. It has a lot of similarities with C language. Bjarne Stroustrup was developed at the end of 1979. It is one of the most powerful high-level programming languages. Most programmers 0 "C with classes"C with classes"C with classes".

Code Length

C++ is using a predefined structure to write code in it. This means that whenever you start coding in C++, you need to follow the structure. Therefore the code written in C++ becomes longer than Python. But Wait C++ offers fast prototyping features.

With this feature, you can code in C++ with fast speed. On the other hand, Python has no predefined structure. So you can write simple code in Python and make your code too small.


C++ is using the compiler to compile the code. Thus it does not allow you to run the same code on other machines or operating systems. You want to run the same program on different computers. Then you need to compile the program on other machines to run it.

Python, on the other hand, uses an interpreter to run code. So you can run python programs on almost every computer or operating system. But python should be installed on the computer.

Ease Of Learning

C++ is quite complicated when it comes to learning. It has a lot of predefined syntax and structure. Python, on the other hand, is close to plain English. So it's easy to learn. C++ hardware is worked very closely; Therefore, an incorrect C++ program can destroy the entire system. If we talk about compiled steps, the number of compilation steps in Python depends on the length and functions of the code.

But on the other hand, Python has zero compilation steps. You can only run python code by typing the program name with the .py extension. As a beginner, you can find the best community support for Python because Python has the largest community compared to any other programming language.

You can also view Python's documentation on its official sites. If you encounter a problem using Python you can ask for help directly in its community. C++ on the other hand does not have a well-written document. But it's the community to solve programmer issues.


This is the key to every programming language. When it comes to real-time systems, speed matters a lot. Nowadays a lot of industries are working on real-time systems. Therefore, the language should be faster to run the real-time system. C++ is faster than Python. Python is slow, as it is also written in C language.

Memory Management

Memory management in C++ is quite complex. This allows you to assign memory to new variables and it removes memory from variables when it is no longer needed in code. If you don't, C++ is also likely to leak memory. Because C++ does not support garbage collection.

On the other hand, there is no need to allocate and deal with memory in Python. Because Python does it on its own, it does the memory management feature with the memory allocation feature.

Conclusion (C++ Vs Python)

If we talk about the conclusion from the above discussion on C++ vs Python, we find that C++ is much faster than Python. Thus it is the best choice to build real-time applications. C++ is the first choice whenever we want to create a real-time app or go app. Most of the companies are using C++ to develop their platforms.

One of the famous search engines, Google is using both C++ and Python to provide users with unmatched performance. Also Python has better graphic capability than C++. Nowadays, a lot of companies on their online app to attract more users.

Python provides the best framework for developing and creating robust and eye-catching web applications. Instagram, Google, Netflix and many more companies are using this feature of Python. But wait, if we want to code at the hardware level, there is no competition between C++ vs Python because C++ can code at the hardware level.

It is the only language that is a combination of low and high-level programming languages. This way you can use the hardware to its full potential without complex coding. That's why the C++ gaming console is becoming the first choice for developers.

The future of both C++ and Python is getting better. But if you want to be more than just a developer, you should choose Python. Otherwise, you can select C++ to become a C++ developer.

We do have both C++ programming experts and Python programming experts. They have plenty of years of experience in their fields. Therefore they can provide you the best C++ programming help and Python programming help. Along with they are also capable of offering you the best C++ assignment help and C++ homework help.