Biology Branches That Are Very Important For Students

In this blog, we will tell you about some branches of biology and use these branches of biology to learn about branches of biology. This will also greatly help students in the future.

What is biology?

The management of science in the research of living objects and their life processes is called biology. The word biology comes from greek words, they are biomas and logos, where "biome" means "life", and "logos" means "study".

These branches of biology are difficult to learn because of the many branches of biology or it is difficult to remember these branches of biology. Therefore, these branches are divided for this reason or to reduce the biology of research.

The lightness of biology studies is divided into various sections and, using basic principles, all partisans are inextricably linked. Some of those partitions are "Botano", which includes the study of the plant, "zoology", which includes animal research, "microbiology", accuracy, etc.

Botany (The study of plants)

  • Mycology: Mycology is a branch of biology. This is a study of fungi and it is related to biological chemical properties and their genetic properties. Or in mycology, their taxonomy is determined by food, traditional medicine, as well as accidents such as contamination or toxicity.

  • Paleobotany: Paleobotany is another branch of plant science that is part of biology. Depending on the geographical situation, it is the restoration and identification of plant residues. Their use usually changes the evolutionary history of plants and the biological reconstruction of the previous environment.

  • Horticulture: It is defined as the cultivation of horticultural plants, which are mainly for the decoration of convenience, nutrition, materials and beauty. As american horticulture Liberty Hyde Bailey said, "horticulture is cosmetic and fascinated by the development of flowers, natural pigs, fruits, vegetables and plants.

  • Bryology: The research of Bryology and Bryophyte is related to one of the branches of botanical science. People who are interested in registering, researching, sorting or observing bryophytes are called bryologists.

  • Ethnobotany: Ethnobotany is a study of plants and their use in a particular area, which is a practical use. All this happens through people's knowledge and their local traditional culture.

Zoology (The study of animals)

  • Entomology: Chemotherapy is a zoo branch, which is an insect study. Historically, studies of landscape animals such as arachnids, soil and orchids on the shore, mirapodo and slugs in other arthropod groups have been included in the definition of entomology.

  • Ichthyology: Ichthyology is one of the main branches of zoology. This is a fish study. These include fish, jaws, fish with bones and cartilage.

  • Ornithology: This is the zoological science that is the study of birds. Many aspects of bird science differ from those related to them. This is due to increased visibility and aesthetic attractiveness of the bird compared to other birds.

  • Herpetology: Herpetology is another branch of the zoology, that is, physiology and reptile research. Amphi creatures come with frogs, cilanas, salamanders, frogs and harvesters. Fertilizers contain turtles, lizards, therapists, snakes, crocodiles and amphisbaenids.

  • Anatomy: The zoology branch is anatomy, an area that studies the internal and external forms of animals. By studying the external shape of the body of any animal, the suologist can easily compare it with other forms of the body.

Microbiology (The study of microorganism)

  • Bacteriology: Bacteriology is a branch of microbiome from which transformation, genetics, ecology, bacterial biochemistry and many other related things are learned. Bacteria include the identification, classification and nature of bacteria in the microbiome subcategory.

  • Protozoology: Protozoology is the main branch of microbiomes, that is, the study of protozoa. These are "animals like" proteins, it's just a study of protozoa.

  • Phycology: Fiction is a branch of the microbiome, i.e. study of algweeds. Fiction is also called Algolji. Usually it is considered a botanical subdivision and is a branch of the science of phycology of life. Like primary producers, algae are important in the aquatic environment. Most often algons live in moist environments, for example, in eukaryotic and photosynthetic organisms.

  • Nematology: Nematology is another major branch of microbiomes. This is a study of nematodes or roundworms. Nematology is a research study of nematodes/roundworms. These worms are smaller from 1 mm to 40 centimeters. These worms are found in many environments around the world.

  • Immunology: Immunology is a branch of microbiome, that is, the study of the immune system. Or we can say that the immune system learns all creatures. Microbiome and immunology merge by hand, because the microbes that cause the disease provoke an immune response and face the immune system during infection.


Now you have seen all the important branches of biology, so now you can understand everything about the branches of biology.

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