A complete guide on what android programming language is

This smartphone comes to mind after listening to the Android name. We all know that smartphones work anything, they are managed by the Android operating system. That's why we are going to tell you what android programming language is.

We all know that Android is an operating system, but we don't know that it is a programming language. Android is a programming language that can work for our smartphones and tablets. Android is a very interesting programming language, we are going to explain in detail.

What is Android programming language

Most of us use smartphones and if you go to any place, you will find Android users everywhere. Because Android offers good and reliable smartphone services to its users at very low prices and android smartphone is the world's most selling smartphone. If any of you know what Android is and when you hear its name, your focus should be directly on your phone that it's Android. We will tell you in detail what android programming language is.

Android is an operating system based on the Linux kernel developed by Google. Linux is an open source and free operating system built with many changes to Android. Linux operating systems are used for server and desktop computers, so Android is specially designed for screen mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, so that the functions and apps we use on computers are also easily used on our mobile.

History of Android programming language

Launched in Android Inc. in 2003. Created by Andy Rubin, later purchased by Google in 2005. Andy Rubin was made head of the Android operating system development. Google has identified Android as a very interesting concept, with which they can create a powerful and free operating system. Android was launched in January 2007 and android operating system was also announced. In 2008, HTC Launched dream market, it is the first phone to run on Android OS. After that, many Android versions were launched, which gave a good response to Android from young users.

After Android became popular in 2013, Andy Rubin left Google for a project and left Sundar Pichai as head. Today under Sundar Pichai's leadership, it is going to be the climax of success and now we are aware of the features of Android.

Features of Android Programming Language

Android has proven to be a very good platform and features of Android are better than other platforms and they are also given information about you: -

User Interface: Android programming language provides a beautiful and clear interface. It's very easy to use. The normal person who uses the smartphone for the first time can also operate it easily.

Multi-language support: Android programming language supports multiple languages like English, Hindi, Punjabi, Gujarati, Bengali, Telugu, etc. You can choose the language you prefer and use it on your phone.

Multitasking: Multitasking means that you can do different tasks at once. You are doing some search on Google and you can listen to songs from the Music app as well as download any file.

Connectivity: When you talk about connectivity in Android programming language, it includes WiFi, Bluetooth, Hotspot, CDMA, 3G, 4G etc. so you can easily connect to other networks.

Application: On Android, you can use it by installing the app of your choice. In android operating system, google play store is the default app that allows users to download free of cost. You can download countless apps from the Google Play Store. The specialty of the Android operating system is that it is a free and open source operating system. This means it can be used on any smartphone. The source can be written by any CO-developer, then they can make changes according to their need. This makes it easy for programmers and developers to create apps. No other operating system.

Which programming languages use to create apps in Android programming language

Java: Java is the official language for Android programming language. Whenever we want to make Android apps, we need to make it using Java. We can create non-game apps via Java. Java is an object-oriented programming language through which we can create Android apps in Android Studio.

Kotlin: Kotlin is also an official language for Android development. We are running Cotin on the Java Virtual Machine to create Android apps. Java can also work fully and does not cause slowness or increase in file sizes. The difference is that Kotlin needs a low boiler plate code and the system can be read easily.

C++: We use C++ to build gaming apps. We know that C++ is a very difficult language, so it is done by large and professional teams. Android Studio also supports C++ with Java NDK usage.

C#: C# is a more te-excitable neighborhood option against C or C++, which confuses more code. It's a little less problematic than Java, but both dialects are very comparative. It has been strengthened by very compatible devices such as Unity and Xamarin, which are incredible for the game turn of events and cross-stage improvement. C# with Unity is the most convenient alternative for some portable game designers.

LUA (CORONA): Another cross-stage device based on LUA. It well organizes the application building method while allowing you to call local libraries. JavaScript

JavaScript: If you are sure how to make intelligent website pages , you can use this information with phone-gap and gradually create a necessary cross-stage application.

The end

We have explained in this blog what Android programming language is, most people understand Android as a smartphone only. But in this blog, we explained in detail what android programming language is and what programming languages are used to creating applications in it.

We hope that the information given about the Android programming language will remove almost all related issues from Android. If there is still a problem with android programming language, you can get help from our experts in call tutors by using Android Assignment Help.