Interdisciplinary Learning


Over the course of my career at UI, I have taken minors in Mathematics, Pre-health and (formerly) Psychology. All of these are subjects that I am curious about but unfortunately do not have enough time in my schedule to major in each one. I hope that with these minors, I can enjoy all the different aspects of these studies as they contribute to my passion to be a multifaceted human.


I took this minor because I enjoy challenging myself and expanding my understanding of different mathematical concepts. Our world is governed by principles that are often only able to be explained in terms of mathematics and I am amazed by the idea that it is basically a bridge between the material world and the abstract. This additionally helps my major on the engineering side because I am able to take a few extra math classes that enrich my understanding of engineering applications.

I must say my favorite course taken pertaining to my math minor would be the History of Math class I took in Spring, 2021. This class explored mathematics through the ages, from the time of the Babylonians to our modern workings. We investigated mathematical concepts, not just from a STEM point of view, but through a philosophical lens that reminded me my greatest joy in mathematics is its undeniable ability to connect our physical world with un-seeable richness.

Pre-health professional studies

I am interested in the medical profession and decided to take this minor to keep it as an available option even as I remain in biological engineering. This minor fits in especially well with my major because I am focused towards biomedical engineering.

A few classes I have taken towards this minor include general and organic chemistry, general biology, microbiology, molecular biology and biochemistry. all of these courses have been challenging but enriching and have encouraged me that I would like to remain in the medical profession post-graduation.


I am fascinated by the human mind and how little we understand it in an age of rapid expansion of knowledge due to technological advancement. As my research demonstrates, I would like to join in the journey to understand the human mind--both the physical and the abstract--and a psychology minor is a great way to do that.

I was unfortunately not able to complete my psychology minor due to an overcrowded schedule in the last two semester of my undergrad, but the handful of classes I took towards the degree remain treasured to me and I hope to take more in a future post-grad degree. Some of my favorite classes taken include abnormal psychology--which tackled psychological diseases and taught us to examine them from a neurological, psychological and social perspectives--and also the psychology of learning--which bridged cognitive, developmental and behavioral psychology to explore how the human mind holds onto information.

HUmanities Electives

Aside from my minors, I have taken a variety of humanities electives to complete my general education requirements at the University of Idaho. My favorites of which are listed below.

Philosophy of ethics

This class challenges students' outlooks on life and forces students to examine what they really know about ethics, morality and truth. I enjoyed taking this class because it reminded me to look upon the values that ground me and the wonders of life that keep me curious and eager to learn more about the world.

Introduction to Classical Mythology

This class teaches about the myths of the ancient times as they pertained to Greek and Roman history. We read experts of stories told by Homer, Ovid and plays by poets like Euripides and learn not only interesting stories but also gain insight into the values of our ancestors through these stories they told.

I took a similar class in high-school that sparked in me a deep appreciation for the literature and common stories of the past. Taking this class in my last semester of college was both positively reminiscing of that appreciation and deeply fulfilling.