Omolola (lOLA) Bangudu

Major: Biological Engineering

Minor(s): Mathematics, Pre-health professional studies

Hometown: Moscow, Idaho

Grand Challenge: Reverse Engineering the Brain

My name is Omolola Bangudu and I am a senior, majoring in Biological Engineering at the University of Idaho. My passion is in the field of Neuropsychology and learning about the brain and the many facets of neurology that translate into psychosocial behaviors. I came to the University of Idaho to explore this passion through biomedical engineering and minors such as mathematics and pre-health.

I am currently an intern at Alcyone Therapeutics, a biomedical device company. I work under the supervision of Dr. Bryn Martin, a former professor at the University of Idaho and am currently assisting with ongoing projects. I previously worked for Dr. Martin at the university in his lab, the neurophysiological imaging and modelling lab (NIML), where I received the opportunity to work with and learn from experienced students in the field, expand my knowledge of Central Nervous System (CNS) as it relates to the rest of the body. Since working as an intern, I have continued improving myself in this field, primarily through assessing medical research literature as they relate to rare neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental diseases.

As a Grand Challenge Scholar, I have been given the means to continually explore my passions, not just through research but with the many other areas the program is compromised of.