Certificate in Women's Studies 

Dr. Ollie L. Jefferson's research aims to address the societal issues that affect women both domestically and abroad, with a particular emphasis on women of color. Her women's studies at the Howard University Graduate School involve critical reflection on the process of knowing and establishing understanding while gathering and using the information to enhance the quality of women's lives. 

Certificate in College and University Faculty Preparation                                                  

Ollie L. Jefferson, Ph.D., is a recipient of the Howard University Graduate Certificate in College and University Faculty Preparation Program. Dr. Jefferson is well-versed in pedagogy and theory, cognizant of the problems facing higher education today, and exceptionally skilled in both teaching and evaluating student progress. 

Certificate in Preparing Future Faculty Fellowship                                                                                                                                                                    

Ollie L. Jefferson, Ph.D., was a participant in Howard University's Faculty Fellowship. Through seminars on course design, instructional design, and problem solving, the program offered an integrated picture of the role of a professional academic. Dr. Jefferson has the practical training necessary to integrate cutting-edge technology into his research and teaching. 

Faculty Excellence

Dr. Ollie L. Jefferson with Dr. Kamla Deonaught, Director of the Center of Excellence for Future Faculty.