Old Post Playground Expansion
The play structure at Old Post Park is nearing the end of its lifespan and the City of Waterloo is planning to replace the playground in Fall of 2021! The City has a play structure budget of $40,000, which only pays for a basic play structure. As a community, we have the opportunity to rally around our beloved neighbourhood park and raise additional funds to give our children a more exciting playscape. Due to a generous community donor, we are only $25,000 away from having the perfect play structure and extra amenities for our park. Please help us create the vibrant play space that will spark creative play in our community. We are fundraising until March 1st, 2020. We welcome your donation and support to spread the word about the project.
About This Project
We are raising funds to build an expanded play structure that inspires outdoor play in both our youngest and older children in the community. Fundraising initiatives will run until March 1st, 2021, with playground completion planned for Fall 2021! Check our Playground Options section for more information about playground design and fundraising, For additional questions, check our FAQ.
Fundraising Goal
Our community fundraising goal is $25,000 which will be added to the City's planned investment and an existing generous large sum donation. This fundraising target will allow for an exciting playground upgrade, tree planting to increase park shade, and new seating space for our community members.
Contact Us
Questions? We are here to help.
Email oldpostplayground@gmail.com