College Resources

The PSAT/NMSQT is an optional standardized test that assesses reading, math and writing skills; provides excellent practice for the SAT; helps students become college ready and connects students to scholarship and personalized online tools.

Most students who take the PSAT/NMSQT will take it on one of the following dates as determined by the administering school:

Some schools may offer it on Saturday, October 13th 

OHVA does NOT administer or offer the PSAT/NMSQT. Students interested in taking this will need to contact their local school district or another school in their area to see if they are able to register. It is recommended to make this contact as soon as possible in order to register for the test.

Search for your area schools that offer the PSAT/NMSQTs

Scripps First Program at OU

We designed the Scripps First program to help connect students in middle school and high school to all the opportunities we offer. Through Scripps First, you can develop skills, discover new technologies, and establish relationships with mentors and advisors. 

 If you have questions, please email or call 740-593-4884. 
