Athletic Trainers @ CRLS

We are very fortunate to have access to Athletic Trainers at CRLS. They are a great resource. Making use of the knowledge and support they offer is highly recommend.

Stop by the Athletic Trainers office or see the Contacts page.

Note: Any activity causing pain, distress or injury should be immediately discontinued. Please notify coach asap and consult with medical professional such as PCP or Athletic trainers as appropriate. The goal is long term health and well being over any short term goals or  gains. Materials and references provided here are not a specific endorsement, rather are an informative starting point.


"So what is the lesson from all this? Simple - bad running form hurts your body and slows you down! So while one can argue that running form comes down to individual physiology which in turn determines your bio-mechanics, this does not mean that you can’t improve the way in which you work with what you’ve been given!"

[ (site no longer live) ]

Note: Adidas apparently took over or re-branded the blog that originally posted this article. Will be evaluating replacing this post.*


Note: Adidas apparently took over or re-branded the blog that originally posted this article. Will be evaluating replacing this post.*

3 Breathing Exercises to help with how to breathe while running

How the Rhythmic Breathing Method Can Help You Run Better

"Rhythmic breathing is said to be a great way to calm the nervous system down while running. Running can release those feel-good hormones - such as dopamine and endorphins, however, if you’re running at a moderate to high intensity, studies into exercise and circulating cortisol levels  have also shown that running can increase levels of cortisol in the body, a hormone that is linked with stress. 

Rhythmic breathing won’t come naturally to anyone but it’s a great way to calm down the body. But how do you do it? Start with emptying your lungs by breathing out, then inhaling through your nose for five seconds, holding it for five seconds, then blowing the air out of your lungs, through the mouth, with force."

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Note: Adidas apparently took over or re-branded the blog that originally posted this article. Will be evaluating replacing this post.*