
Top Hot Tip:

 Who, What, Where, When, How ... Why?

Create a document or spreadsheet and start tracking things you do now!  When it comes time to right applications, resumes, ask for recommendations etc you will have a handy list to refer to to remind you of things to include, experiences, awards, accomplishments, mentors and people you worked with to network and ask for recommendations references etc. Start simple now. As needed you can progress to having sections and so forth.

Make sure to have a backup copy that is accessible. For example if you use your CRLS google account, access ends after you graduate.

CRLS Guidance

CRLS Student Services page

CRLS Homework Help Center

CRLS Tutoring Center - highly recommended as resource & not limited to those finding a particular topic challenging

CRLS & Associated Support & Enrichment Programs

CRLS Students & Families Portal

CPS Digital Resources listing

Cambridge Public Libraries

CPL Teens

CPL Social Services/Social Worker support

CPL Takeout Technology

CPL The HIVE - makerspace

CPL Calendar of events, classes ...

CHA [Cambridge Health Alliance]

Teen Health Center - CRLS webpage - CHA THC site


City of Cambridge COVID testing & related resources