Q: What is Orienteering?

A: Orienteering is ...

Q: Do I need to know how to Orienteer to join?

A: No prior knowledge required for either Fall or Spring season. You can participate in either or both.

Q: Do I need to be an "athlete"?

A: We encourage you to broaden your idea of what an "athlete" encompasses. Orienteering meets you where you are and can be engaged in from a leisure recreation to an elite level of athletics, with opportunities locally, throughout the country and worldwide. Whatever your level and interest there is a place for you and you are encouraged to develop along the arc you choose to follow. We have had team members from "but coach I don't run" to joggers to those who can do a 10 minute 2 mile. While speed can come into play it is secondary to route choice that works with your skills and accurate navigation. Trivia fact: CRLS Orienteering has won National titles.

Q: Do I need special clothing, footwear or equipment?

A: Gear ...

Q: Is Orienteering fun?

A: The straight answer is no, not always. Wait what?! Yes, while we generally do have a relaxed atmosphere that is fun and engaging, not every moment will be fun. In fact, we find that when student athletes have a truly challenging day or event/course, and receive support, it can be the start of a transformative period in which they really start to grow in understanding and practice, realizing they have the resources, inner balance and strength with which to meet whatever comes up. So while we do tend to have a good time, the aim is to learn to roll with how we are in the moment and what the "terrain" and environment bring our way. Which usually has the nice byproduct of more fun, more often.

Q: Why Orienteering?

A: Why-O, Why-O, Why?

Q: Is Orienteering for me [and my friends]?

A: Yes, it is certainly for you to come try and see for yourself. Orienteering has much to offer and we welcome you to come experience, contribute and learn along with us.

Q: How can I/we learn more?


Q: How do I/we register?

A: Registration ...