CRLS Orienteering

Photo: Clinton Morse, National Communications Manager, OUSA

Eight CRLS Oteam members participated in the 2024 Jr Nationals with JV placing 7th and Varsity 4th overall.

2024 OUSA Jr Nationals

Columbia River Gorge area, Washington State

Host: Cascade Orienteering Club

Above: course review with long time CRLS Falcons 'rival' team McDonough HS Warhawks, GA member


Home of CRLS Orienteering

You belong here!

The only thing missing is YOU.

Yes! This definitely means you. Join us. You have lots to share and so do we.

Orienteering has definitely been beneficial to my [volleyball] play, as I am more level headed.

- Min-Jae, '26

Middlesex Fells near Flynn Rink, Medford


Community is at the core of the O-Team at CRLS and in Orienteering more broadly. It is a central part and we actively support and foster it's development. Come be a part of the community, drawing on it and sharing all you bring.


Developing awareness of feedback from the body, mind, environment and those around us is vital. We work to grow our awareness and ability to use the information without judgement, allowing us to be more responsive and skillful.


Life is iteration. We build on our ability to take in the feedback and apply it. Then repeat. Orienteering provides a rich, open framework, an O-life lab, to grow and test these transferable life skills and gain embodied experiential knowledge of self, environment and others.

 The site receives ongoing revision and will continue to be a work in progress.

Thank you for your kind understanding and any feedback.