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Planning Space can be used to curate activities from nzmaths
To create a planning space; First create your nzmaths account
under my account choose My planning space
follow the instructions to create a plan
2nd Tier material is available, that expands further on the curriculum elaborations, for most of the strands and levels
Scroll down the page and look for "2nd tier material click to download a PDF ..."
Strand Summaries by Sandra Jim Robyn a few years back [A3 pages]
Planning Examples & Long Term Plans
Examples of short and long term plans and supporting links for ākonga to embark on their maths adventure
Cross Curricular units from Thames High School for y9 & 10
If you are looking for inspiration and ideas to make connections across the aspects/strands the Take This might be one place to start to develop a unit of work
Teaching Materials - where should i look ?
Resource Finder
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Curriculum Level, strand, AO
Numeracy stages
LPF aspect
To help narrow down you search in nzmaths consider the purpose of the lesson
Is it whole class teaching, Group workshops or Problem solving ?
Whole Class Teaching
Share: the learning outcome
Present: a new concept
Practice: group or independent
Targeted teaching
Group Workshops
1-3 workshops with a specific outcome
Rest of class on independent work
Problem solving | Rich tasks
Part or whole class
Launch: share the problem
Explore: the problem solving
Discuss: in a larger group to connect to big ideas
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Lesson activities
Also known as the wheke (octopus) game or the whetū (star) game
Scroll to the bottom of the age at the link to find the pdf matariki-L2-5.pdf
Use the keyword search eg farmer sheep
Hint: type into google with nzmaths tag
The Farmers sheep: NA L3
The Farmers sheep II : NA L4
Units of Work
Four cross-strand designed to help you get to know a new class at the start of the year, but could be used at any time
Four cross curricular Matariki themed units Level 1 to Level 4
Units of work have home links and starter text to share
This week we are exploring some mathematical ideas with activities to celebrate Matariki, the Māori New Year. We will be finding out the geometry of the Matariki star cluster, looking at algebra in tukutuku patterns, making spinning tops and testing them, creating kōwhaiwhai patterns, and marking out a field to play Kī-o-Rahi.
These activities involve algebra, geometry, measurement and statistics so we will be very busy and doing a lot of mathematical thinking
CL 3 Link
Matariki Level 4
Matariki is an opportunity to engage in activities such as storytelling, astronomy, song, dance, and visual arts that have potential to enrich students’ mathematical experiences in meaningful contexts. New Year is also a chance to honour our ancestors, show care for our natural environment, and celebrate our bi-cultural and multi-cultural heritage. One way to do that is through Kite making
Session One
Recognise the properties of a figure stay constant as the figure is rotated (turned).
Use compass directions to locate objects.
Represent the relationship between numeric variables using tables and graphs.
Session Two
Collect, sort and display multivariate data to find patterns and differences.
Session Three
Find rules for linear relations, and represent those rules verbally, as equations and in graphs and tables.
Session Four
Scale measures using percentages to create a kite to a given size
Number Starters
Connections with Families and Whānau
I have included this link as nzmaths features in Robert's list but also because this link takes you to lots of other useful sites from around the globe that you might like to explore