Junior Curriculum

A literacy rich classroom

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Dr Paul Swann - a guide to mathematical vcabulary...https://drpaulswan.com.au/planning/a-guide-to/

the three tiers of vocab - make a triangle

Tier One

Everyday words that students generally come to school with or words they learn in the early years#.

Tier Two

Words that are more academic but not specific to any one discipline. Words like analyse or evaluate would qualify as a Tier Two words. Tier Two words tend to receive less attention because they do not belong to any one discipline.

Tier Three

Words that are content specific words, such as ‘hypotenuse’, that Marzano (2004) would call academic vocabulary. Tier three words are typically used only in the school or University setting, hence why they are referred to as academic vocabulary.

Encouraging mathematical conversations in class

Which one doesn't belong and why [there can be no wrong answer so students develop confidence to share] this idea could be adapted for anything

What is the first question that comes to mind? : http://www.101qs.com

100 questions you can ask students in class to promote deeper thinking

7 sites for developing curiosity and deeper thinking in maths class shared on AMA website