Subject Associations in NZ
Commerce teachers
Digital technology
Digital technology teachers association
Links to other science associations, eg primary science, biology chemistry and more
tesolanz: Supporting teachers of students of other languages
Graphics & Technology
Graphic & technology teachers association page
Home economics and technology
HETTANZ encourages the lifelong learning of Home Economics and Technology education. It is a future orientated teachers association promoting professional support and advocacy for all HETTANZ educators.
Health & PE
Mathematics & Statistics
NZ Association of Mathematics teachers
Auckland Mathematical Association for news & information about teaching mathematics and statistics
AMAonline - videos and resources from 2020 for teachers Years 1 -13
Census at school for statistics resources
nzmaths - Mathematics and statistics for years 1-10
NZ Association of Science teachers
NZ association of primary science educators
Links to other science associations, eg biology chemistry, physics, earth and space science etc
Visual art teachers
ANZAAE is the national subject association for Visual Arts education in New Zealand
Looking for more
Check out the Networks of Expertise listing of groups that support teachers across NZ for Gifted learners, learning support, online learning and more
View samples of school learning programmes below to get a feel for how pathways and programmes are structured in the secondary schools