Scholars Exchange


In an effort to share the scholarship and expertise of our Chinese language faculty, another component of the BEST Program sends our Chinese language instructor and/or teaching assistants to our collaborating institutions. Through this experience, our faculty can immerse in a different environment of Chinese language learning, and support the partnering faculty body and share our teaching resources. Our instructor will also support our partnering institutions in initiatives related to Chinese teaching and learning in addition to teaching Chinese language course(s). Annually, NTU anticipates to send 1 Chinese language instructor, selected from the teaching faculty body of the International Chinese Language Program (ICLP) or the Chinese Language Division (CLD) of Language Center at NTU, as well as 1-2 teaching assistants from the Graduate Program of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language to our collaborating institutions. Through this initiative, NTU’s faculty and students will expand the reach of Taiwan’s Chinese learning and teaching resources.