
NTU Signs Memorandum of Intent to Cooperate with Indiana University in Furthering Mandarin Teaching and Inter-University Cooperation

本校與美國印地安那大學簽署合作交流意向書 深化華語教學與校際交流合作

Founded on August 1, 2021, the International College of National Taiwan University is intended to be an interdisciplinary platform of higher education that features Taiwanese characteristics and academic strengths. As NTU’s crucial milestone in globalizing education, the International College has two core missions: (1) set up English-taught international degree programs and (2) promote a Mandarin teaching program in cooperation with international partners. Subsidized by the Ministry of Education, the International College’s Taiwan Huayu Bilingual Exchanges Selected Talent Program (BEST) cooperates with sister schools, including Indiana University, Harvard University, University of Texas at Austin, and Temple University, in furthering Mandarin education. To this end, the International College works closely with NTU’s ICLP, CLD, and the Graduate Program of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language.

Witnessed by representatives of the 12 universities in the BEST program and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Chicago, the online signing ceremony between NTU and Indiana University was held on September 28. The two universities were represented by NTU’s Executive Vice President Chia-Pei Chou and Indiana University’s Vice President for International Affairs Hannah Buxbaum. Other attendees included NTU’s Dean of International College Shu-Jen Wang, Associate Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Director of ICLP Ya-Feng Wu, Director of the Language Center Li-May Sung, Director of the Graduate Program of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language Li-Ping Chang, Indiana University’s Dean of the Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies Lee Feinstein, Chair of the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures Ethan Michelson, Director of the Chinese Flagship Program Yea-Fen Chen, and Associate Director of International Partnerships Shawn Conner-Rondot.

Several measures have been prioritized to strengthen the cooperation, including sending NTU faculty members to Indiana University, recommending Mandarin teachers and teaching assistants to assist with Mandarin teaching at Indiana University, setting up the BEST scholarship, receiving Mandarin students selected by Indiana University to study at NTU, launching a one-on-one online Mandarin teaching program, organizing teaching seminars, and related academic activities.

Despite the ongoing global pandemic, the International College has worked proactively with Indiana University throughout the process. NTU sent teachers and teaching assistants to Indiana University in August. Moreover, twelve students will be selected by Indiana University this coming spring to study Mandarin at NTU, paving the way for a fruitful cooperation model in the future.

臺大國際學院於2021年8月1日正式成立,致力打造跨領域並具有臺灣特色與學術強項的高教平台,是本校推展教育全球化的里程碑。其核心任務包括設立跨領域且全英語授課的「國際學位學程」,並且推展與國際夥伴學校的「華語文教學」合作計畫。國際學院獲教育部補助「臺灣優華語計畫」,透過「校對校」的合作方式,連結姊妹校,推廣華語文教育。第一期的合作學校包括美國印地安那大學(Indiana University,以下簡稱印大)、哈佛大學(Harvard University)、德州大學奧斯汀分校(University of Texas at Austin)以及天普大學(Temple University)。國際學院與本校國際華語研習所(ICLP)、語文中心國語文組(CLD)以及華語教學碩士學位學程密切合作,共同推動與美國夥伴學校的華語計畫。


典禮由本校副校長周家蓓、印大國際長Hannah Buxbaum代表兩校致詞與簽約。雙方出席代表包含本校國際學院院長王淑珍、文學院副院長兼國際華語研習所所長吳雅鳳、語文中心主任宋麗梅、華語教學碩士學位學程主任張莉萍、印大全球與國際研究學院院長Lee Feinstein、東亞語言文化系系主任Ethan Michelson、華語旗艦計畫主任Yea-Fen Chen以及國際處副主任Shawn Conner-Rondot。


即使在全球疫情持續影響國際移動之際,國際學院團隊與印大仍積極研商促成此次合作,締造語言學習與交流機會。今年八月,本校已薦送華語教師與助教至印大,且印大預計於明年春季選送 12 位學生到本校學習華語,將開創更多元的合作模式。