Understanding the Basics of Local Government Organization: City Council


Understanding the basics of local 

government organization: 

Dixon City Council

Form of Government

“Dixon governs under a Council-City Manager form of government. This structure reflects that it is the Council’s role to establish City policy and priorities. The Council appoints a City Manager to implement this policy and undertake the administration of the organization” (City of Dixon).

Duties of the City Council

The City Council of Dixon has 4 city councilmembers in addition to the Mayor. City Council members are elected by district.

District Map:

Dixon 2022 Redistricting

“The Council is the legislative body of the City; its members are the community’s decision makers. Power is centralized in the elected Council collectively, and not in individual members of the Council. The Council approves the budget and determines the public services to be provided and the taxes, fees and assessments to pay for these public services. It focuses on the community’s goals, major projects and such long-term considerations as community growth, general plan and land use, development standards, capital improvements, financing and strategic planning. The Council appoints a professional City Manager to carry out the administrative responsibilities and supervises the City Manager’s performance” (City of Dixon).

Duties of the Mayor

“The Mayor is to preside at all meetings of the Council and perform such other duties consistent with the office as may be imposed by the Council or by vote of the people. At Council meetings, the Mayor assists the Council in focusing on the agenda, discussions and deliberations. The Mayor does not possess any power of veto. As presiding officer of the Council, the Mayor is to faithfully communicate the will of the Council majority in matters of policy. The Mayor is also recognized as the official head of the City for all ceremonial purposes”  (City of Dixon).

Duties of the City Manager

“The City Manager is appointed by the Council to enforce its laws, to direct the daily operations of City government, to prepare and monitor the municipal budget, and to implement the policies and programs initiated by the Council. The City Manager is responsible to the Council rather than to individual Councilmembers and directs and coordinates the various departments” (City of Dixon).

City of Dixon, City Officials’ Handbook.  https://www.cityofdixon.us/media/CityCouncil/City%20Officials%E2%80%99%20Handbook.pdf)


Understanding the basics of local 

government organization:

Fairfield City Council

Form of Government:

Fairfield is a general law city and was incorporated in 1903.  What is a “general law” city? There are two types of cities in California: “charter cities,” which operate under the city's local charter, and “general law cities,” which operate under the general laws of the state.  Fairfield has a Council-Manager form of government.  A Council-Manager form of government is one in which the authority to set policy rests with an elected governing body, the city council. However, the city council in turn hires a nonpartisan manager who runs the organization. 

Duties of a City Manager:

“Under the direction of the City Council, the City Manager directs and administers the operations of City departments through appointed department heads, coordinates efficient delivery of the various municipal services and activities, and performs related work, as required” (“About Us” Office of the City Manager).

Duties of City Council Members:

Fairfield currently has seven city council members. Six of them are voted by the district, and the mayor is elected at large. They all serve four-year, staggered terms. Elections are held in November of even-numbered years. 

What district do you live in?

District Maps as of 2022:


Enter your address on the Interactive Map:


According to the National League of Cities, “As local legislators, city council members are responsible for, and responsive to the citizens who elected them. They may perform the following functions:

Duties of the Mayor: 

The mayor is elected “at large.”  This means that the mayor is elected by and from all the voters of a city or town, rather than by district. “Mayors typically work with local government officials to ensure that municipal policies are implemented and public services are delivered efficiently. Additionally, many mayors work closely with local businesses and community organizations to ensure that the needs of their citizens are met. Often, mayors must exercise a certain level of supervision over departments such as finance, public works, and parks and recreation” (“What is a Mayor”).

“About Us,” Office of the City Manager, City of Fairfield, About Us | Fairfield, CA

“City Councils,” National League of Cities, City Councils - National League of Cities

“Government” City of Fairfield, Government | Fairfield, CA

“What is a Mayor?” Study.com Mayor History, Duties & Responsibilities | What Does a Mayor Do? | Study.com


Understanding the basics of local 

government organization: Suisun City Council

Form of Government:

The City of Suisun City was incorporated on October 9, 1868, as California’s 30th city. Suisun City is a General Law City, which means it falls under California state laws governing municipal operations rather than having its own Charter. 

“Suisun City operates under the Council/Manager form of governance in which the electorate chooses members of the City Council, and the City Council hires the City Manager to implement City Council policy and run day-to-day affairs" (Suisun City Council).

Duties of a City Council Member:

"The Mayor and City Council are elected independently in non-partisan elections to serve four-year terms in office. The Mayor Pro-Tem is selected by the City Council from among its members. There are four city council members in addition to the Mayor" (Suisun City Council).

Suisun City has a four (4) term limit for the elected or appointed Mayor or member of the City Council.   The mayor and city council members are elected “at large,” which means they are elected by and from all the voters in the city, rather than by district.

According to the National League of Cities,  “As local legislators, council members are responsible for, and responsive to the citizens who elected them. They may perform the following functions:

Duties of a Mayor

“Mayors typically work with local government officials to ensure that municipal policies are implemented and public services are delivered efficiently. Additionally, many mayors work closely with local businesses and community organizations to ensure that the needs of their citizens are met. Often, mayors must exercise a certain level of supervision over departments such as finance, public works, and parks and recreation” (“What is a Mayor?”).

"City Councils,” National League of Cities, City Councils - National League of Cities

“Government” City of Suisun City. Government - Suisun City, CA

Suisun City Council” City Council - Suisun City, CA

“What is a Mayor?” Study.com Mayor History, Duties & Responsibilities | What Does a Mayor Do? | Study.com


Understanding the basics of local government organization: 

Vacaville City Council

Form of Government:

Vacaville is a general law, City Manager Council form of government, with a seven-member Council, six City Council districts and one direct elect, at-large mayor.  What is a “general law” form of city government? There are two types of cities in California: “charter cities,” which operate under the city's local charter, and “general law cities,” which operate under the general laws of the state. 

What is a City Manager Council form of government? The authority to set policy rests with an elected governing body, the city council. However, the city council, in turn, hires a nonpartisan manager who runs the organization. ‘

Duties of the City Manager:

“The City Manager’s Office day-to-day tasks include providing general administrative direction, leadership, and coordination of all City operations, enforcement of City laws and ordinances, and development of effective short and long-range City plans. We are responsible for implementing City Council policy direction and ensuring that City programs and services are efficiently and effectively provided. Our office includes a variety of additional functions ranging from Americans with Disabilities Act coordination, Information Technology, Economic Development, Budget preparation, and Public Information.

Additionally, the City Manager’s Office is responsible for fostering a positive image of Vacaville. To that end, the City Manager serves as Chief Staff Liaison, working closely with other governmental and non-government agencies in neighboring cities, the County, and the State to ensure that good community relations are maintained” (“City Manager’s Office”).

Duties of the City Council:

“In May 2018, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2018-043, declaring its intention to transition from at-large to district-based City Council member elections beginning with the general election in 2020, with only the mayoral seat remaining at-large.  The Vacaville City Council is composed of seven members, one direct elect Mayor, and six members representing unique Council Districts” (“Vacaville City Council”).

Which Vacaville Election District Do You Live In?


According to the National League of Cities: “As local legislators, council members are responsible for, and responsive to the citizens who elected them. They may perform the following functions:

Duties of the Mayor:

There is one direct elect, at large mayor. The mayor is elected by and from all the voters of a city or town. “Mayors typically work with local government officials to ensure that municipal policies are implemented and public services are delivered efficiently. Additionally, many mayors work closely with local businesses and community organizations to ensure that the needs of their citizens are met. Often, mayors must exercise a certain level of supervision over departments such as finance, public works, and parks and recreation” (“What is a Mayor?”).

“City Councils,” National League of Cities, https://www.nlc.org/city-councils/#:~:text=Communicate%20policies%20and%20programs%20to,to%20other%20levels%20of%20government.

“City Manager’s Office” City of Vacaville, City Manager's Office | Vacaville, CA)

“Vacaville City Council,” City of Vacaville, Vacaville City Council

What is a Mayor?” Study.com Mayor History, Duties & Responsibilities | What Does a Mayor Do? | Study.com

Understanding the Basics of Organization: 

School Board Member

RESOURCE: What is the role of the Solano County Office of Education? How does this role differ from local school districts?  Watch this video from the Solano County Board of Education to find out.



Understanding the Basics of Organization:

Dixon Unified School District Governing Board

Organization of the School Board:

“The Dixon Unified School District Governance Team is comprised of five locally elected public officials entrusted with governing the community’s public schools. In addition, the Superintendent also serves as a member of the district’s governance team and has responsibilities to support Board operations and decision-making” (“Governing Board”).

“The Governing Board shall consist of 5 members whose terms shall be staggered so that as nearly as practicable, one half of the members shall be elected in each year in which the Board's elections are regularly held (Education Code 35012).

The term of office for Board members elected in regular elections shall be four years, commencing on the second Friday in December following their election (Education Code 5017) (“Terms of Office”).

Role of the School Board:

“The Governing Board has been elected by the community to provide leadership and citizen oversight of the district. The Board shall ensure that the district is responsive to the values, beliefs, and priorities of the community.

The Board shall work with the Superintendent to fulfill its major responsibilities, which include:

The Board is authorized to establish and finance any program or activity that is not in conflict with, inconsistent with, or preempted by law (Education Code 35160)” (“Role of the Board”).

“Governing Board” Dixon Unified School District, Governing Board | Dixon Unified School District

“Role of the Board” Dixon Board Policy Manual https://simbli.eboardsolutions.com/Policy/ViewPolicy.aspx?S=36030623&revid=veoqNn9pluswkzaiyslshVRPCJ2g==

“Terms of Office” Dixon Board Policy Manual. https://simbli.eboardsolutions.com/Policy/ViewPolicy.aspx?S=36030623&revid=eZvOEfNWMr2QDu64QRNSPQ==&ptid=amIgTZiB9plushNjl6WXhfiOQ==&secid=&isPndg=&PG=6






Organization of the School Board:

There are currently 7 members on the FSUSD Board of Education in addition to the Superintendent.  Candidates for the school board must be residents of the Trustee area.

What trustee area do you live in?  Use this Solano County District Lookup tool to find out:

Solano County - District Lookup

Role of the School Board:

“School Districts and county offices of education are governed by boards, not by individual trustees. While understanding their separate roles, the Board and superintendent work together as a "governance team." This team assumes collective responsibility for building unity and creating a positive organizational culture in order to govern effectively.

The Governing Board believes that its primary responsibility is to act in the best interest of every student in the district. The Board also has major commitments to parents/guardians, all members of the community, employees, the state of California, laws pertaining to public education, and established policies of the district” (“Governing Board”).

What Does a FSUSD Governing Board Member Do?

Role of the Board (BB 9000): 

The Board: 

a. Sets the direction of the District and ensures a focus on student learning  and achievement. 

b. Establishes an effective and efficient organizational    structure. 

c. Provides support to the Superintendent and staff as the Superintendent  carries out the Board’s direction. 

d. Ensures accountability to the public for the performance of the District’s  schools. 

e. Provides community leadership and advocacy on behalf of students (“Role of the Board”).

Read the FSUSD Job Description for a Governing Board Member Here:


“Governing Board” FSUSD, Governing Board | Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District

“Role of the Board” Fairfield Suisun Unified School District Governance Handbook, p.2 REVISED Governance Handbook 03.16.2022 Board Meeting.pdf




Travis Unified School District Governing Board

Organization of the School Board:

“Travis Unified School District is located adjacent to and serves Travis Air Force Base, portions of the cities of Vacaville and Fairfield, and portions of unincorporated Solano County.  Approximately 5,400 students attend school in our district.


The district includes five elementary schools, two of which are located within the perimeter of Travis Air Force Base.  Another is located in Fairfield right outside the base, and the other two are located in the south portion of Vacaville.  In addition, we have a middle school, comprehensive high school, alternative high school, and a community day school all of which are located on the same block adjacent to the district office” (“District Information”).

“The Travis Unified School District Governing Board consists of five members who serve four-year terms. One member represents Trustee Area No. 1 (Travis Air Force Base) and must reside on the base. The other four members represent Trustee Area No. 2 (Travis USD area except for the base). Additionally, a student member, selected by his or her peers, represents the students of the district and votes in an advisory capacity” (“Meet the Board”).

Role of the School Board:

More specific details can be found in the Board Policy Manual,:


“Board Goals” Travis Unified School District Meet the Board / Board Goals

“District Information”” Travis Unified School District District Information

“Meet the Board” Travis Unified School District https://www.travisusd.org/domain/34





Organization of the School Board:

“The Vacaville Unified School District Governing Board consists of seven members. School Board elections are held on even-numbered years, with members elected to serve staggered four-year terms.

Basic functions of the Board are to establish the policies by which the schools of the District are to be administered and to select the Superintendent and staff who will implement those policies. The Board shall be responsible for the organization and operation of the District in conformity with the rules and regulations of the State Board of Education, and the laws of the State and Federal Government” (“VUSD Governing Board”).

What trustee area do you live in? Vacaville Governing Board Trustee Areas

Role of the School Board: 

“The role of Trustees is to stay focused on the big picture while fulfilling five responsibilities. These five responsibilities are: 1. Setting direction: make learning for all students a priority. 2. Establish structure: establish policies for district operations and allocate resources to support operations that align with the Board’s priorities. 3. Provide support: create a culture of strong support and high expectations. 4. Ensure accountability: measure the performance of the Board, the Superintendent, and the District. 5. Engage the community: seek community input, share results of district performance, and engage the community to help improve student performance. 

The Superintendent assists the Board in carrying out its responsibilities and leads the staff toward the accomplishment of the agreed upon District vision and goals” (“Roles and Responsibilities”).

”Roles and Responsibilities” VUSD  Governance Handbook, p3, https://cdnsm5-ss5.sharpschool.com/UserFiles/Servers/Server_70116628/File/Board/School%20Board%20Home%20Page/2742171644352545316.pdf

Vacaville Unified School District Governing Board” ” VUSD,  https://www.vacavilleusd.org/cms/one.aspx?pageId=70705371