Dixon Demographics

All data from US Census Bureau, Quick Facts Dixon City California. Accessed on May 2, 2023. https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/dixoncitycalifornia/PST045222

Demographics Charts: Click the Arrow on the right to Expand

Dixon Age Demographics

Dixon Educational Level Demographics

Dixon Ethnicity Demographics

Dixon Political Demographics

Population Characteristics

Foreign Born Residents         16.9%

Veterans                 1,004

Computers in House         96.2%

Language other than English 32.5%


Dixon Voter Registration by Party, Age and Gender

Dixon Party Registration Percentage by Age and Gender

Partisan Registration Percentage: Dixon 2020 Voters by Age and Gender

Turnout Percentage: Dixon 2022 Voters by Party, Age and Gender

Turnout Percentage: Dixon 2020 Voters by Party, Age and Gender

Partisan Registration Percentage: Dixon 2022 Voters by Age and Gender