Launching Your Campaign 

There is a lot of strategy that goes into launching your campaign. You have filed your paperwork, raised some funds, have your graphics and signs, and are ready to tell the world what you are all about. Think about timing – are there other things in the news cycle that will overtake your announcement? Will the announcement be on a weekday or weekend; what time of month will it happen; will school be in session or on vacation?  How will you announce? Will you use a press release in local newspaper, a special launch of website or social media site, a big kick-off event, having other candidates help you announce, or all the above? Where will you announce your campaign?  Will you be in front of city hall, at your local park, at a well-known business or a place well known to your community?

How, when and where you announce your campaign is very important and takes careful thought, planning, and timing!