Frequently Asked Questions

Commonly asked questions about master planning and the district's efforts.

Do you have a question? Reach out at this form and we will respond with an answer. Use this link and fill out the question form.

How did the buildings get so bad? Did the District ignore repairs?

No, in fact, the opposite is true. District maintenance staff continue to do their best to keep the schools safe and in the best shape possible. This includes spending thousands of dollars each year on basic and “Band-Aid” repairs to expensive, outdated systems that no longer function efficiently. However, due to space shortages and the building's effective lifespan, most repairs are no longer enough. The high/middle school and 5 elementary schools are not ADA accessible. The district uses every square foot in each of the buildings. Continuing to spend money on repairs and makeshift modifications is not the best use of District dollars. The most cost efficient, fiscally responsible action is to consider a long term facility plan that accommodates the district for the next 75 years.

What is a Facilities Master Plan?

The facilities master plan is a long-term facility improvement plan that provides clear direction as to how New Philadelphia City Schools should address its facility improvement needs of our current AND future students. 

What is wrong with our current buildings?

Our current schools were designed for learning in a different era. Modern education is hampered by our aging facilities. Facilities Master Plans address the needs of the district now and well into the future. As the costs associated with operating and maintaining aging buildings continues to rise. Building assessments were conducted by the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission (OFCC), the outcome of which recommended replacing those buildings instead of renovating them. So the district is working with community members, educators and design and construction professionals to better understand how to solve the facility issues in the district.