The Best Trick Ever

Pre-show warm-up

by Patrick the Graey

(Open Source: You don't have to give me credit, but if it works in your show I'd appreciate it. Example: This first trick was discovered by Patrick the Graey...)


Performer indicates name of performer

Tell the audience who you are.

Tell the audience why you're there.

Add whatever patter works for you and your show.

Sample Patter

Performer: Hello, welcome to the show. I am Performer. I'm actually a better teacher than I am a performer, so before we start the show, I'd like to teach someone the Best Trick Ever.

Choose Volunteer

Volunteer indicates the name of the volunteer.

Again, add whatever patter works for you and your show.

I like kids in the 8-10 age range, because they can easily follow verbal directions and are usually really receptive to the results, but really, you can choose any kid. You may have to mime the actions for very young kids, but the cuteness factor increases the younger the volunteer is.

Sample Patter

Performer: Is there someone between the ages of 8 and 10 that would like to learn the Best Trick Ever? How about you. What's your name? 

Volunteer: Volunteer

Performer: Hi Volunteer, nice to meet you. Have you ever performed any death defying tricks before?

Volunteer: No.

Performer: Well you know Volunteer, for some people getting in front of people is more frightening than death, so you've already performed one death defying trick just by getting up here. Now let me teach you the Best Trick Ever.

Teach the Best Trick Ever

[ ] indicates actions

All directions to the volunteer should be loud enough for the audience to hear clearly.

I suggest not miming the actions for the volunteer or being overly enthusiastic, just give the directions and let them do what you tell them to do. I try to make it feel like they've done a spectacular trick without much help from me. I like to keep the focus on the volunteer and to keep open the possibility that this trick might work without me being there or saying anything.

Performer: Volunteer if you bend forward at the waist, people will start clapping. 

Volunteer: [Bends forward]

Audience: [Claps]

Performer: Isn't that cool? But hang on, it gets better. If you raise one hand high into the air, people will clap and shout.

Volunteer: [Holds one hand high into the air]

Audience: [Claps and shouts]

Performer: It's kind of fun isn't it, but there's more. If you raise both hands high into the air, people will jump to their feet and clap and shout and just go wild.

Volunteer: [Holds both hands high into the air]

Audience: [Jumps to their feet and claps and shouts and just goes wild]

Performer: Now that, Volunteer, is the Best Trick Ever.

Thank the Volunteer

Performer: Thanks Volunteer for letting me teach you the Best Trick Ever. Now you can go home and practice that trick.

Thank the Audience

Performer: Now that everyone is warmed up, we can start the show.