Fall 2018

Discrete Math Day

Some photos from the September 29 event

The NCN Fall 2018 Discrete Math Day was hosted by the University of Rhode Island, with all the heavy lifting done by Professors Mike Barrus, Nancy Eaton and Bill Kinnersley. Professors Noah Daniels and Lubos Thoma also worked hard to make this event a success.

The meeting consisted of 5 invited lectures, a poster session and a networking lunch, with a total of 43 participants.

Sarah-Marie Belcastro, (founder and president of Mathematical Staircase, Smith College) told the audience about color-induced subgraphs and Grünbaum colored triangulations.

In between talks, there was plenty of time for mathematical discussions and networking. A poster session allowed more faculty and students to present their work at the meeting.

Bruce Sagan (Michigan State) explored analogues of the Lucas sequence and their combinatorial interpretations.

Other talks included Sandra Kingan's lecture on excluded minors theorems in matroid theory, Padraig O Cathain's talk on morphisms of complex Hadamard matrices, and Lenore Cowen's presentation of new results on random walk methods and their application to the analysis of biological networks.