About Us

The term "combinatorics" is used to describe a great variety of mathematical subdisciplines that involve finite or countable ("discrete") objects. Core topics range from graph theory to representation theory of symmetric and general linear groups. Applications include genomics, networks, digital communications and more. We construe combinatorics quite broadly here so no list of topics will really do justice to the rich variety of tools and connections that one sees while studying and using combinatorics.

Discrete Math Day at Middlebury College, September 15, 2007
Discrete Math Day at Middlebury College, Sept. 15, 2012

There are over 240 universities and colleges in the six New England states and hundreds more in the state of New York. Students and faculty are carrying out interesting research projects in combinatorics at many of these institutions, but many of the schools are remotely located. Hence the Northeast Combinatorics Network exists as a mechanism to nurture and strengthen this active community.

The Northeast Combinatorics Network (NCN) has been active, in one form or another, for over 25 years, mainly through regular small-scale research meetings. Mathematicians from the region coordinate these and other activities under a new organizational structure (NCN) as mechanisms to strengthen the network, to more broadly promote combinatorial research throughout the Northeast (particularly at smaller, more remote institutions), and to enhance participation among underrepresented groups (particularly women). Building on three annual one-day meetings as anchor activities, the NCN helps provide an infrastructure that facilitates interactions among researchers throughout the year.

Discrete Math Day at Queens College, October 21, 2017
Discrete Math Day at University of Rhode Island, September 29, 2018

Who belongs to the Northeast Network?

Any faculty member or research-minded student in New England, eastern New York or one of the surrounding areas. We are also eager to connect with people in industry who use combinatorial ideas and can benefit from the interactions we cultivate here. Our meetings are all one-day events and we hope that most mathematicians in the Northeast will find them convenient enough to attend at low cost with either no required overnight stay or just one night in a hotel.

Learn more about other combinatorialists in the US Northeast here!

Thank you to our steering committee for keeping the Northeast Combinatorics Network running!

NCN gratefully acknowledges the following financial support:

Advancing the Northeast Combinatorics Network, National Science Foundation (Joanna Ellis-Monaghan, PI; William J. Martin, co-PI)