
in the Northeast

Learn more about combinatorialists in the US Northeast!

(All members of the NCN are encouraged to submit a short bio here)

Elie Alhajjar (website)

Department of Mathematical Sciences

United States Military Academy

Interests: Polyhedral geometry; Ehrhart theory, numerical semigroups

2010 Mathematics Subject Classifications: 05Axx, 52Bxx, 11Axx.

Amir Barghi (website)

Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Saint Michael's College

Interests: Algebraic and probabilistic graph theory; enumerative combinatorics; stochastic processes

2010 AMS Subject Classifications: 05C15, 05C31, 05C57, 05C80, 05C81.

Michael D. Barrus (website)

Department of Mathematics

University of Rhode Island

Interests: Structural and extremal graph theory.

2010 AMS Subject Classifications: 05C07, 05C75, 05C17, 05C50.

Sarah-Marie Belcastro (website)

Mathematical Staircase, Inc.

Director of MathILy and Research Associate at Smith College

Interests: topological graph theory, edge colorings.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classifications: 05C15, 05C10, 52B05.

Padraig Ó Catháin (website)

Department of Mathematical Sciences

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Interests: Design theory, Hadamard matrices, permutation groups and applications to communications systems.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classifications: 05Bxx, 20Bxx.

Peter Christopher (website)

Mathematical Sciences Department

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Interests: Graph theory, combinatorics, linear algebra, automorphism groups of graphs.

2010 AMS Subject Classifications: 05Axx, 05Cxx, 05Exx

Laura Colmenarejo (website)

Department of Mathematics & Statistics

University of Massachusetts Amherst

Interests: Symmetric functions; structure coefficients; representation theory of finite groups; Schubert polynomials.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classifications:

05E05, 05A05, 05A19, 20C30, 14M15.

Robert Davis (website)

Department of Mathematics

Colgate University

Interests: Ehrhart theory; discrete geometry; combinatorial commutative algebra; enumerative combinatorics; applications to algebraic geometry.

2010 AMS Subject Classifications: 52B20; 05E40; 05A15.

Sergi Elizalde (website)

Department of Mathematics

Dartmouth College

Interests: Enumerative combinatorics, especially permutations, pattern avoidance, lattice paths, bijections; applications to dynamical systems and biology.

AMS Subject Codes: 05Axx, 05Exx

Joanna Ellis-Monaghan (Jo) (website)

Department of Mathematics and Statistics (Chair)

Saint Michael's College

Interests: Algebraic combinatorics, especially graph polynomials, and applied graph theory in DNA self-assembly, statistical mechanics, computer chip design and bioinformatics.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classifications: 05C31, 05C10, 05C90, 05C45, 57M15, 57M25.

Joseph D. Fehribach (website)

Department of Mathematical Sciences

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Interests: Graph Theory (particularly Kirchhoff graphs), reaction networks

2010 AMS Subject Classifications:

Jonathan L. Gross (website)

Professor Emeritus

Columbia University

Interests: 05C10 topological graph theory, esp. log-concavity of genus polynomials.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classifications:

Thomas C. Hull (Tom) (website)

Department of Mathematics

Western New England University

Interests: discrete geometry (especially as applied to origami (paper folding)), graph theory (especially graph colorings), rigidity.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classifications: 05C10, 05C15, 52C25, 53A17 .

Sandra Reuben Kingan (website, blog)

Department of Mathematics

Brooklyn College, City University of New York

Interests: Matroid theory, graph theory, and combinatorial algorithms with applications to network science.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classifications: 05Cxx, 05B30, 05B35 52B40, 90C27.

William J. Martin (Bill) (website)

Department of Mathematical Sciences

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Interests: Algebraic combinatorics (association schemes, coding theory, design theory); cryptography (homomorphic encryption, randomness).

2010 Mathematics Subject Classifications: 05E30, 05B30, 94B60; 68P25, 68Q15.

Carolyn Mayer (website)

Department of Mathematical Sciences

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Interests: Error-correcting codes, graph-based codes, channel models, applications of combinatorics to coding theory.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classifications: 05C90, 94A40, 94Bxx, 94C15.

Alejandro H. Morales (website)

Department of Mathematics and Statistics

University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Interests: Enumerative combinatorics (permutations, rook theory, q-analogues, factorizations), algebraic combinatorics (tableaux, symmetric functions, Schubert polynomials), discrete geometry (polytopes)

2010 Mathematics Subject Classifications: 05A15, 05A19, 52B05, 52A38.

Rosa Orellana (website)

Department of Mathematics

Dartmouth College

Interests: Algebraic combinatorics; combinatorial representation theory; centralizer and diagram algebras; the Kronecker product of two irreducible representations of the symmetric group and generalizations; combinatorial algebras, e.g., the descent algebras and peak algebras; symmetric functions; combinatorics of Coxeter groups; representations of braid groups; Hecke algebras; Birman-Murakami-Wenzl (BMW) algebras; combinatorial Hopf algebras; partition algebras; complex reflection groups; and tableaux algorithms.

2010 AMS Subject Classifications: 05Axx, 05Exx, 16Gxx, 16Txx, 20Bxx, 20Cxx

Gabor Sarkozy (website)

Department of Computer Science

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Interests: Graph theory, discrete mathematics, theoretical computer science

2010 AMS Subject Classifications: 05Cxx

John R. Schmitt (website)

Department of Mathematics

Middlebury College

Interests: (Extremal) combinatorics and (extremal) graph theory; the polynomial method; zero-sum combinatorics

2010 Mathematics Subject Classifications: 05C35, 05C07, 11T06.

Stanley M. Selkow (website)

Department of Computer Science (emeritus)

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Interests: Graph theory.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classifications:

Brigitte Servatius (website)

Mathematical Sciences and Bioinformatics and Computational Biology

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Interests: Matroid theory, computational geometry, rigidity of graphs, tensegrities, motions of molecules.

2010 AMS Subject Classifications: 05A15, 05B35, 05C10, 05C25, 05C40, 05C50, 05C62, 05C75.

Mark Wilson (website)

Department of Mathematics & Statistics

University of Massachusetts Amherst

Interests: asymptotic enumeration; generating functions; complex networks; theory of voting and electoral systems

2010 Mathematics Subject Classifications: 05A16; 05A15; 91B12; 05C82; 91D30.