Submit a Bio

Who can submit a short bio to the Northeast Combinatorics Network?

The goal of the "Combinatorialists in the US Northeast" page is to collect the names of people publishing in combinatorics in New England and eastern New York. Others who are regularly involved in Discrete Math Days or Summer Combo in Vermont are also welcome to request that their bio be included. So, if you are based at in institution in this region and publish research in combinatorics—whether you are a student, in industry, a faculty member, or retired—we want to feature your name on our website.

What does a "short bio" include?

We will insist that the format be very uniform and that each entry be brief. Interested viewers can visit your website for more detail. Please send us:

• Name

• A link to your website

• Affiliation: Department and Institution

• Interests: At most two lines, in list format

• AMS Subject Codes: list those AMS subjects closest to your interests

• Photo: a standard passport-style photo is ideal

How does it work?

Submit the above information via a google form:

If you cannot sign into Google, please email your entire response to

We will do our best to add your information to the directory as soon as possible. We make the final decision as to whether the response is appropriate and consistent with the website format. We also emphasize that if you are submitting a bio, you must be someone from the Northeast US or the NCN.

Questions or Suggestions?

Feel free to contact us with any ideas or concerns that you may have.