
Anne-Marie Hetherington

Hitchin Boys' School

  • Curriculum (Music)

  • Coaching/mentoring

  • Support to those new to teaching and to their mentors

  • Support for HoD (both managing/planning curriculum and managing staff)

I have been Head of the Creative Arts Faculty at Hitchin Boys’ School since September 2015, before which I was Director of Music, a post which I held since September 2003. Additionally, I lead on our ITT and NQT training programmes and the induction of new staff.

I believe that the best outcomes for students come from well run departments where teachers feel confident enough to reflect on their own practice and try out new ideas. As a Music teacher, I know that this habit of reflection and commitment to improvement includes the wide range of extra-curricular opportunities that we try to give our students. In my own school, this has led to increased numbers and sustained strong results at GCSE and A Level and a thriving extra-curricular timetable. I also know the hard work that goes into all of this and I have benefitted greatly from working in collaboration with Heads of Department in other schools to share ideas and enhance the experience of our students.

In my Professional Mentor role, I have enjoyed the opportunity to work with colleagues in many different departments and to mentor and coach both trainees and more experienced staff. It is one of the factors that has inspired my interest in supporting, facilitating development and enhancing progress for teachers and students in my own and other schools.