Why Should I Repair?

You like TO SAVE YOURSELF TIME, ENERGY, HEADACHES AND lots of money IF POSSIBLE don't you? well then THERES NO NEED TO CALL SOME EXPENSIVE A$$ REPAIRMAN WHO will PROBABLY HAve the CORONAVIRUS and cost you 2 weeks and a couple $100's to do something that you could have just done

I Will Give You "97% Accuracy" in Correctly Figuring Out What's Wrong Your Appliance and then Ill show you how to get the correct parts for the best prices!!

I'm sorry in advance if you may see errors in grammar from time to time.

Your repair guides are up to date (2021) and written out by me , George Fitzgerald a 15 year handyman and 7 yr appliance repair business owner.

I own and operate 559 Appliance Repair in Visalia Ca. I am still out on the field learning and doing new repairs every single day.

I know ALL of the tips and tricks that are guaranteed to save you so much time, energy, frustration, anger, headaches and tons and tons of money!!.

If you have no experience, don't worry theres none needed, you will be the the next MacGyver in no time and actually the less you know and the smaller you are is much better...

Why is being smaller and having less experience better?

Because the more impressed everyone will be when you are done fixing your machine and restoring order to your home!

Did someone just say "Hero"?

Before you can become that hero you will need a few basic tools(I explain which ones later) and a few mins to go over just a couple little things so your up to speed on things.

Like most things in life, the more you know the simpler it becomes. Before you attempt something you haven't tried before you should always research it. When I say research it what I really mean is watch a video or two.

Why should I research something before i actually do it you nay be wondering..?

Two reasons:

  1. It gives you confidence in yourself and your abilities to overcome a task as well as gives you reassurance you wont mess anything up or get hurt.

  2. You'll be surprised how simple and safe repairing appliances can be