Meeting schedule & Connection Info

In Person Info: Our meetings will be held at the Van Antwerp Middle School, in the Board of Education room with a remote option available whenever possible.  

Check our Agendas page for the connection information for the relevant meeting. Entrance and parking are on Dexter Street. The Dexter Street entrance has both stairs and ramps.

Remote Meeting Info: We will use Google Meet to provide a remote option for our meeting. Please log on early to be sure you can work through any technical difficulties. You should test both your audio and video settings beforehand to make sure they work. We ask that our remote participants provide first and last names upon entry, as we keep a record of all participants in our meeting minutes. The host will ask you privately for your name in chat if it is not visible in the participant list. We reserve the right to remove any attendees using anonymous user names from the meeting.  Participant video cameras will be enabled, but please do not feel obliged to turn on your camera during the meeting. We want to be as inclusive as possible! We will also monitor our chat window so that you can ask questions in whatever means you feel most comfortable: audio, video, text, or a combination. We’re looking forward to seeing you! As always, please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions at

Want to add meeting dates to your personal calendar? Use the [+] Google Calendar link at the bottom of our calendar to integrate these dates to your own Google Calendar or download a calendar file (.ics).

2023-2024 Academic Year Schedule

Please note: dates and times may change. Check back often!