Frequently asked questions about SEPTA and getting started with special education

What is Nisky SEPTA?

Nisky SEPTA is Niskayuna's Special Education Parent Teacher Association.  We are a group of parents, teachers, administrators, and students that work together to build inclusiveness, acceptance, support, and communication for special education.

Who can get involved in Nisky SEPTA?

Any parent, student, administrator or teacher who is interested in helping make our Niskayuna community more inclusive, supportive and collaborative is welcome! Learn more about becoming a member.

How many students receive special education services in the Niskayuna school district?

More than 700 students from grades K-12+ receive some form of special education services in the Niskayuna school district.
Information from E. Morphy and J. Richards, “Special Education Department,” presentation to Niskayuna’s Board of Education, 2021-06-15. Available via BoardDocs.

What is the district’s special education website, and what can I find there?

The district’s special education website is: https://www.niskayunaschools.org/academics/special-education/

You can find contact information for the directors of elementary and secondary special education, as well as information about getting started in the special ed process.

How do I start the special education process?

Special Education in Plain Language from the NYS Special Education Task Force is designed to walk a parent or caregiver through the special education process. For more information, view the Special Education in Plain Language handbook (PDF) or visit their website at https://www.nyspecialedtaskforce.org/resources.html

What is the difference between a 504 and an IEP?

While both IEPs and 504 offer help for students, there are many differences. We like this chart from Understood.org for comparison.

There are so many acronyms in the special education process -- IEP, CT, ESY, CSE, and more! How can I learn what each one means? 

The district special education website has a useful glossary of terms and definitions, but they don’t list any acronyms! However, the Center for Parent Information & Resources has a great list that helps caregivers decode the many acronyms in special education. 

How do I meet other parents, caregivers, and teachers that are interested in special education in Niskayuna?

Being a caregiver to a child with special needs can be a lonely journey. Niskayuna’s special education parent-teacher association is one way to connect with others! Reach out to us at niskysepta@gmail.com to become a member, or attend one of our upcoming meetings.

What’s on the calendar for Nisky SEPTA this year?

We want to connect more with our members, our schools, and most importantly, our kids! We are looking for volunteers to help with outreach, fundraising, and creating information like this page to provide to caregivers at critical points in the special education journey. We also would like to bring in speakers from the district and resources around the Capital Region to empower all of us. Finally, we seek to partner with our schools to create inclusive and welcoming environments within and outside the classroom.