Unit 8 reflective summary

Our group did a really good job and I thought we did the best that we could have done. Overall we had a very strong presentation that was filled with good information. I did as good as I could have. I spent a lot of time researching and finding good information that would be useful for my topic. I also was able to obtain a lot of new information and really see new points and perpectives of my side of the arguement. The one really challenging obstacle was trying to find new fresh evidence or atleast newer sources and articles to help me win my arguement. The most frustrating thing about the debate was trying to remember everything that I wanted to say or include and I was kind've freezing when presenting which was super frustrating. After the debate was over my view of the whole arguement changed and I ended up siding with my partner as he really changed the way I looked at things. Overall, I had a really fun time debating and watching other people debate and hearing everyones points this was a very fun unit!