The wallpaper journal


Dear journal,

My wife is becoming insane, and I have no idea why. I'm doing my best to take care of my little girl, but it only seems to be getting worse. Therefore, for this summer my wife and I are spending time away from everyone and I basically bought a beautiful house in the middle of nowhere. I really believe this will make my wife happy and help cure her sweet soul. As we entered the new house it was humungous and had such an amazing garden. I'm sure my wife will love this! I just know this house will fix our problems! I just adore my wife so much as I'm very careful and loving to her and sometimes I even carry her up the stairs. I really have no idea what is wrong with my wife. My wife is telling me she has an illness, but she seems fine to me. I've never heard of such an illness of hers. I always tease her and try to ignore it because I just think she's going insane. I am a doctor and never had a patient come to me with such an illness. I just try to tell my wife that she's fine and I keep playing it off because I just think she's going through a phase. At night she would attempt to talk to me about her illness, but I simply stop her and make her go to bed and I would sometimes read her a bedtime story to help her fall asleep. My wife is my world! Although as the days pass my wife seems to be going more insane! I've decided to keep her locked up in the room and I've placed child gates all over the house, so she won't be able to leave. I also barred the windows and nailed down the bed to the floor. I'm only doing this for her, I want her to be safe and I want to try and cure her. I also took away her journal because I don't want her to write out her crazy thoughts or her crazy imagination. No one is allowed to visit her at all! Does this seem too harsh? I'm just doing this so she can get better and not be "sick" anymore. A lot of people don't agree with what I'm doing but I'm a doctor and I know what's best for my wife and her sickness. Even by trapping her in the house nothing seems to be working and she is only getting worse. Is it my fault that she's getting worse? I know I took away her belongings and everything she loves to do, but this is the only option to help cure her. I believe my wife is physically ill. I have decided to give her pills to cure her illness. Is there even such a thing called a mental illness? That just sounds so silly! My wife tells me that she wants to go out and do some things she loves to do but I deny that quickly. She cannot do anything when she is this physically ill. She must stay in her room all day and wait for me to get home from work. Nonetheless I'm only doing this to protect her as I love my little goose so much, I just want her to feel better and get rid of her physical illness.

Three days later:

My wife has officially become insane! I have arrived back home from my work trip and my wife has locked herself in the bedroom! She is making loud noises and won't stop screaming! This cannot be happening. Things were going great at the new house, what went wrong! This house was supposed to fix everything now make things worse for her. I am such a terrible husband as I completely failed my wife! I have to open the door before things escalate even more! I must go save my wife from disaster!