UNIT 2- Arguments

Can an argument really be any text - written, spoken, aural or visual - that expresses a point of view?

Yes! Anything can indeed be an argument. While researching more about this topic I've came across a website where people had debates over this certain topic. It seemed that more people agreed with the fact that anything can be an argument. You can literally start an argument with anything like air, sports, weather, cars, technology, school, art, history, etc. People can look at a piece of paper with scribbles on it and argue whether or not it is art. Therefore, yes, anything can be argued or debated in today's society even my reasoning can be argued by someone else even though I think I am right. There is never a right or wrong answer as everything can be debated.


The "explicit lyrics" label on a best-selling rap CD

Children should not be able to listen to explicit lyrics from the best-selling rap labels. According to CBC news, "listening to sexually explicit or violent music lyrics can affect children's schoolwork, social interactions, mood and behavior." The target audience for songs that contain explicit lyrics are for adults only. Children are way too young to listen to songs about drugs, sex and violence. unfortunately, many artists don't care who listens to their music as long as they are making their money off of their songs. Usually, artists don't give out warnings about their songs before releasing them because it can affect how many plays the songs get and they want to be able to get as many plays as possible on different apps such as Spotify, apple music and other Stream able platforms. It's kind of ironic that most of their viewers are kids and teenagers when their content is supposed to be made for adults. This is when the parents should step up and stop their children from listening to these types of songs. Parents get upset at the artist once they hear their kid playing these explicit songs but at the end of the day the parents should be monitoring their own kids better and making sure they are listening and watching safer content from family friendly people.

Tesla Model 3 electric car

The Tesla Model 3 is the most affordable and efficient electric car that tesla has put out on the car market. The Tesla Model 3 is very efficient as one Tesla model 3 has surpassed over 1 million miles. The car is also environment friendly as it is electric, so it won't need to consume gas. Since it doesn't need gas, you will also be saving a lot of money by owning a model 3 Tesla. Even though the Tesla 3 is very affordable you will feel very luxurious by driving one. Over the past couple of year, the model 3 has gained a lot of popularity and has been the number 1 most selling electric car on the market. It has become the number 1 selling plug in car due to the fact that it feels luxurious and how long the car can last as its expectancy life is past 15 years. This makes the model 3 the best option for people who are trying to be smart with their money or people who wants a electric car. Nothing compares to the Tesla model 3.