Unit 5- personal narrative

Personal Narrative Story

Flying in the air is one of the most exciting feelings in the world! Once you enter the airplane your blood pressure rises and the excitement you have is unmatched. When the plane starts to take off, you will notice that all of your problems will vanish and everything becomes peaceful. All you will be able to do is watch the clouds beneath you and sit there in awe. Flying is one of the best experiences that someone can experience in their lifetime.

My first experience flying on an airplane was a memory that I will never forget. I took my first flight when I was eight years old. Usually I forget everything that I’ve done at that age but this memory sticks with me and doesn’t seem to vanish away. I remember how my family and I had to wake up around five in the morning and rush to the airport so we were on time for our flight to Mexico. Once we got to our boarding area everyone was super excited and I was super nervous especially since it was my first time ever going on an airplane. The time then eventually came and we started to board the airplane! My adrenaline was through the roof! We then took our seats and my dad took the window spot and I sat in the middle while my mom sat on the edge. My brother had to sit next to us by a couple of strangers, he was really mad at us for that. I thought it was hilarious and I kept making fun of him for it after we landed. After the pilot talked to us the plane started to move and take off. When the plane started to take off I felt my stomach and heart drop and everyone started to clap. As we got into the air, I looked through my dad's window and saw the highway and all the cars driving on it, it was very cool to see! Fast forward 10 minutes and all you can see were blue skies and very small dots which were the people and buildings below us. Since you are above the clouds it feels like you are in a different universe. I wish I was able to open the window and touch the white clouds. However since the plane is traveling at such a high speed the wind gust is incredibly high and unsafe. It's crazy to imagine how high you really are up in the sky until you experience it. It feels like you are in slow motion and that you are just floating in the sky. The reality is the plane travels very fast and you can’t tell because you're at such a high altitude and the plane basically is just in cruise control mode so it’s really hard to tell the speed of the plane. Nonetheless after about 30 minutes of staring out the window I then felt my ears popping. I asked my mom why my ears felt weird and she told me it was because of how high up in the sky we were so she gave me gum to chew on which helped the problem. I will never forget the gum trick when on an airplane. We then ordered some drinks and snacks and then I dozed off for about 2 hours. Our flight was the longest five hours that I’ve had to overcome. I was just super excited for our vacation and I kept staring at the time which was a huge mistake. However after the pilot started to talk to us on the radio and mentioned that we would be landing in t-minus 20 minutes, everyone started to wake up and you can hear everyone start talking again and hear the excitement in everyone’s voice. We started to land down and I could feel my whole heart drop as it was pretty scary going down in an airplane. Once we landed everyone started to clap again and the Pilot thanked us for flying with him and we started to board off the plane. The whole airplane experience was amazing! The way back from our vacation was better as I knew what to expect so I was so much calmer.

In conclusion, I will always cherish that special memory I had as a kid and I will always share this specific memory to more people. Flying is truly an amazing experience especially if you have never been on a plane before. I strongly believe everyone should at least try it once even if they have a fear of planes. At first I was terrified of the idea of flying but once you actually get into the plane all your fears and problems just disappear and your body is at peace. Nonetheless I had an amazing experience with my family on the plane and it’s one memory that I won’t ever forget.