Unit 3 (a)- Fallacies of Arguments

This advertisement is arguing that if you use their makeup product then it will reduce your wrinkles in only "60 minutes". However, this is not true at all! Makeup cannot reduce your wrinkles; all makeup can do it hide your wrinkles from showing. Another thing is that the advertisement says, "in only 60 minutes", however that is also false. You can hide your wrinkles within 5 mins of applying makeup, once you apply it your wrinkles will hide under the layer of makeup, so you still end up having the same wrinkles after taking off the product. This advertisement uses pathos in order to try and make people to buy their product. They want people to feel good about themselves. They show this by demonstrating a older women who has many wrinkles and looks really old and turning her into a beautiful women who has no wrinkles at all. It gives many people hope and excitement that if they buy this product they will have the same results. Its honestly a smart tactic on the company's part as its very convincing.

The advertisement uses Hasty Generalization as the ad states a claim of "less wrinkles in only 60 minutes". There is no evidence that this is true at all. There is a lack of strong evidence in the advertisement. Not all people will end up having the same results. Therefore, the advertisement is just generalizing that the people who buy this product will have less wrinkles when in reality that is not true. I also believe that the advertisement uses false advertisement. This is due to the fact that the ad is telling people that by applying their makeup you can lose some wrinkles in only 60 minutes. However, this is very false, and they only say this, so the item looks more appealing. You simply cannot lose wrinkles from a makeup product especially in only an hour; however, you can hide your wrinkles with makeup.