Special awards are an excellent way for organizations and individuals to reward exceptional projects that explore specific areas of history at the regional and state level competitions.

If you would like to sponsor a special award at either the Regionals (Eastern or Western) or State contest, please contact nationalhistorydaymt@gmail.com.


The Martha Plassman Prize: Sponsored by the Montana Historical Society the prize is awarded to one outstanding project that utilizes digital newspapers available on the Library of Congress website Chronicling America. The prize goes to a project that demonstrates a clear understanding and use of newspapers as a primary source. Visit the MTHS website for more information.

The Dave Walter Travel Scholarship from the James H. Bradley Trust: Sponsored by the Montana Historical Society, this $1,000 scholarship is awarded to the creators of a Montana history project that advances to the national contest. The project MUST be about Montana history and the scholarship money must be used to expenses related to traveling to the national contest in Maryland. 

The Future Leaders of Montana Scholarship: Sponsored by The Great Adventure Foundation, this $1000 scholarship goes to the individual or group Junior Division project that scores the highest according to the NHD judging criteria, and that can commit to the national competition. If there is a conflict with the David Walter Scholarship, this Future Leaders scholarship will be awarded to a project that does not relate to Montana history. Projects with an exemplary connection to the theme, wide research, multiple perspectives, and significance in history should apply.

The Great Adventure Foundation believes that programs like National History Day teach skills that are essential to student success in their future college, career, and civic life.  The Foundation also believes that students learn important life lessons through their historical research and participation in National History Day.  We are excited to help provide an opportunity for students to extend their learning by attending the national competition in College Park, Maryland.

Are you a teacher just getting started? Want to be on our email list? Enroll here for more information.

Interested in judging? Sign up here.

(FREE OPI renewal credits for judging) 

Thank you to our statewide partners!