Topic Selection


Sometimes, History Day topics can be inspired by a simple news article. In 1999, three high school students in Kansas read a newspaper clipping about a Polish woman named Irena Sendler who worked in the Warsaw Ghetto saving children. That newspaper clipping not only inspired their History Day performance, but eventually led them to sharing Irena Sendler’s relatively-unknown story with the world. NHD-MT will continue to add current news articles here that might inspire student projects.

Structuring Projects

These slides will walk you through structuring your argumenta and narrative for each of the 5 History Day project categories.

How to Structure NHD Projects.pdf

historical context

Process paper

Process Paper Planner

annotated bibliography



NHD Documentary Rubric.pdf
NHD Exhibit Rubric.pdf
NHD Paper Rubric.pdf
NHD Rubric Performance.pdf
NHD Website Rubric.pdf

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