Rosenberger to Peano

Idiom Neutral

Votasion de Rosenberger
relativu proposasioni indiked in sirkular 102

NB ad N2. Mi av fasied kontrproposasion „Varianti deb esar aksepted per Akademi”. It no es indiked in sirkular 102. Mi preg presentar it a Akademi sekuantu §5 of Regulativi e donar eksplikasion, kekause it esav elimined.[1]

NB ad N3. Mi av doned motivi pro supresion de „grammatica minima” sekuantu §5 de Regulativi. Kekause ili esav elimined?

Si pro membri Levi-Civita e Macfarlane.

Ad §4. (pag. 92) Si.

Ad §11. (pag. 94) No. Visa mie motivi in §2 de sirk. 77. Akademi av delibered[2] ist kuestioni 1) in sirkulari 74–79 (kompara suplement de mie diksionar pag. 8–16) — nomi geografik e 2) in sirkulari 81–88 — nomi mitologik[3] e historik. 

Ad §12''. Mi avav doned ya mie vot in Opinion datu 6/19 mars, ma it no es konsidered. Kekause?

Ad §17. Artikl definit av form de pronom demonstrativ el. Pro presision it potes akseptar sufiksi -o, -a, -i, -e. Generale artikl definit no es used. On us it ko adyektivi etc. p.e. el[?] mie (le mien F); el ver, el bon e el bel; – el sem; el mie; el „si” e el „ma”. Da e a ko artikl el deveni del e al. Artikl indefinit es un; sie us no es obligat.[4]

Ad §18. Gen es indiked per vokabli diferent[5] u per sufiksi: gen maskulin per -o, p.e. marito, filio, italiano, servo; cavallo, — feminin per -a, p.e. marita, filia, italiana, serva, cavalla u, pro individui eminent e pro omni paroli in -tor, -essa, p.e. abatessa, duquessa, princessa; leonessa, tigressa; – actoressa, imperatoressa.

Ad §19. Person, temp e mod de verb es indiked per perifrasi ekseptu formi de presens, imperfekt, futur, kondisional, infinitiv, partisip, gerundiv e imperativ, keli resiv sufiksi: -e, -av, -erá, -eré; -er, -ent, -ed, -end; -a! -ate! -am!

NB ad §§5, 5', 12 e 14. Mi av doned ya mie vot in Opinion datu 6/19 mars, ma it no es konsidered. Mi preg eksplikasion. Mi av doned mie vot sekuantu §5 de Regulativi. — V. Rosenberger

Pernau 8/21 yuni [1910][6]

A. s. prof. G. Peano in Turin,

Sinior direktor estimed!

Ekse mie votasion relativu proposasioni in[diked] in sirkular N102, keli mi preg konsiderar (imprimar) in sirkular [seku]ant. 

Ko respekt votr serv leplu devot

V. Rosenberger

Lingu anglik

Voting of Rosenberger
In relation to the propositions indicated in circular 102

NB on N2. I have made the counterproposal “Variants should be accepted by the Academy”. It is not indicated in circular 102. I ask you to present it to the Academy in accordance with §5 of Regulativi and to give clarification as to why it was eliminated. 

NB on N3. I have given reasons for the suppresion of “grammatica minima” according to §5 of Regulativi. Why were they eliminated?

Yes for the members Levi-Civita and Macfarlane.

On §4. (p. 92) Yes.

On §11 (p. 94). No. See my reasons in §2 of circular 77. The Academy has deliberated these questions 1) in circulars 74–79 (compare the supplement of my dictionary p. 8–16) — geographical names and 2) in circulars 81–88 — mythological and historical names.

On §12''. I had already given my vote in Opinion on the date 6/19 March, but it was not considered. Why?

On §17. The definite article has the form of the demonstrative pronouns el. For precision, it can accept the suffixes -o, -a, -i, -e. Generally, the definite article is not used. One uses it with adjectives etc. e.g., el[?] mie (le mien F); el ver, el bon e el bel; el sem; el mie; el „si” e el „ma”. Da and a with articles el become del and al. The indefinite article is un; its use is not obligatory. 

On §18. Gender is indicated by different vocables or by suffixes: the masculine gender by -o, e.g., marito, filio, italiano, servo; cavallo, — the feminine by -a, e.g., marita, filia, italiana, serva, cavalla or, for eminent individuals and for all words in -tor, -essa, e.g., abatessa, duquessa, princessa; leonessa, tigressa; – actoressa, imperatoressa.

On §19. Person, time and mode of the verb are indicated by periphases except the forms of the present, imperfect, future, conditional, infinitive, participle, gerundive and imperative, which receive the suffixes: -e, -av, -erá, -eré; -er, -ent, -ed, -end; -a! -ate! -am!

NB on §§5, 5', 12 and 14. I have already given my vote in Opinion on the date 6/19 March, but it is not considered. I ask for clarification. I have given my vote in accordance with §5 of Regulativi. — V. Rosenberger

Pernau 8/21 June [1910]

To Prof. G. Peano in Turin,

Esteemed director!

Here is my voting regarding the propositions indicated in circular №102, which i ask you to consider (print) in the following circular.

With respect your most devoted servant

V. Rosenberger


[1] The verb eliminar (eliminate, remove from consideration) does not appear in either the Idiom Neutral (1902) or Reform-Neutral (1912) dictionary.
[2] The verb deliberar (deliberate, discuss) does not appear in the Idiom Neutral (1902) dictionary, but it does come to be used in Reform-Neutral (1912).
[3] The adjective mitologik does not appear in either the Idiom Neutral (1902) or Reform-Neutral (1912) dictionaries. However, it supposes a root mitologi (mythology), with mitologik (or, mitologiik) as its adjective. Mitolog would be a mythologist.
[4] Obligat appears to be a later variant spelling of Idiom Neutral's obligad (requirement, obligation, duty), cf. resultad and later resultat.
[5] In Idiom Neutral (1902) there is no root diferent; rather, the participle form required would be diferant. The form different is used in Reform-Neutral.
[6] Although the year of this letter is unreadable, it must be in 1910 as Rosenberger gives his address as Pernau, which is stated to be his address until 28 August 1910 in a letter from 6 June 1910.