Rosenberger to Peano

Idiom Neutral

16/29 april 1910

A sinior prof. G. Peano, direktor de Akademi International de Lingu Universal, in Turin

Sinior direktor estimed!

It es evident,[1] ke mi deveniav ansian: mi no potes sekuar spirit nov, in kel vo dirig labori de Akademi. Otrflanke mi vis ko guadi impuls nov, kel vo av doned a vit de Akademi mediu atraksion de numr grand de kolaboratori. Mi no volu turbar ist vit e labori komensed, pro keli mi desir sukses leplu bon; sikause mi preg Akademi liberar mi de obligadi de visedirektor da 29 yuli 1910, kuande mi avero aved honor esar visedirektor durantu 11 anui. Ke fors plu yun kontinu!

Ko respekt grand mi rest votr serv leplu devot

V. Rosenberger

Lingu anglik

16/29 April 1910

To prof. G. Peano, director of the International Academy of the Univeral language, in Turin

Esteemed director!

It is evident that I have become old: I am not able to help the new spirit in which you are leading the labours of the Academy. On the other hand, I see with great joy the new impulse which you have given to the life of the Academy by attracting a great number of collaborators. I do not want to disturb this life and the labours begun, for which I desire the greatest success; for this reason, I ask the Academy to liberate me from the obligations of vicedirector from 29 July 1910, when I will have had the honour of being vicedirector for 11 years. May this youthful force continue!

With great respect I remain your most devoted servant

V. Rosenberger



[1] Evident is not in the original 1902 dictionary, but does appear in the Reform-Neutral one of 1912.