Grup Neutralparlant to Peano

Idiom Neutral

6 yanuar 1910

A sinior prof. G. Peano, direktor de Akademi Internasional de L. U. in Turin


Sekuantu komunikasion de s. Rosenberger vo av doned in letr d. 26 desembr 1910 votr konsens[1] pro publikasion de avisi de Grup Neutralparlant in diurnal de Akademi „Diskussiones“, ma vo av eksprimed opinion, ke nom nov de nostr sosietet, (anteriore Zilak Volapüköl e Grup Neutralparlant), „Grup Neutralist,“ aksepted in konvent de 28 novembr, no konven, e vo propos donar nom „Sosietet de Lingu Universal,“ u Akademi de L. U. seksion de S. Petersburg.

Direktorad de grup eksprim sue mersiad kordial pro akseptasion afabl de avisi nomed, ma it deb adyunktar sue opinion, ke, kuale membr korespondant de Akademi, it av yur de publikasion gratis in Diskussiones omni tekst in lingu artifisial de un pagin, sekuantu §4 e 5 de Regulamento. 

Relativu nom „Grup Neutralist“ direktorad av honor avisar vo, sinior estimed, ke s. Rosenberger avav proposed akseptar nom nov „Sosietet de L. U.,“ ma ke konvent general, datu 28 novembr, no akseptav ist proposasion: it desirav yuste eksprimar in sue nom sustentasion de „Akademi Internasional de Lingu Universal,“ sikause it adoptav in sue titl parol „Neutral,“ i. e. nom de Lingu Universal ekslabored per Akademi mediu labor diligent multanuik. 

Mediu ist nom it desirav yuste efektuar sert akt de pietet u de takt favoru Akademi. Ad ist okasion direktorad deb eksprimar sue regret, ke votr sirkulari e parti ofisial de „Diskussiones“ de Akademi no es redakted in Idiom Neutral, lingu de Akademi, kel es plu komprendabl ka „Latine sine flexione,“ kause ist ultim es tro latin. 

Nom „Akademi de Lingu Universal, seksion de St. Petersburg,“ totale no konven pro nostr Grup, kause, (sekuantu statut,) it no es institut linguistikal. —

Felisitasion sinser okasionu anu nov!

Desiri leplu bon pro sukses in labori de Akademi! 

Pro president: Visepresident A. Ramback

Sekretar J. Hersch

Lingu anglik

6 January 1910

To prof. G. Peano, director of the International Academy of the Universal Language in Turin


Following the communication of Mr. Rosenberger, you have given in a letter dated 26 December 1910 your consent for publication of the notices of Grup Neutralparlant in the Academy's journal “Diskussiones”, but you have expressed the opinion that the new name of our society (previously, Zilak Volapüköl and Grup Neutralparlant), “Grup Neutralist,” accepted in a meeting on 28 November, is not suitable, and you propose to give the name “Sosietet de Lingu Universal,” or Akademi de L. U. seksion de S. Petersburg.

The directorate of the group expresses its cordial thanks for the kind acceptance of the named notices, but it must add its opinion that as a corresponding member of the Academy, it has the right to publish freely in Diskussiones every text in an artifical language of one page, according to §4 and 5 of Regulamento.

Regarding the name “Grup Neutralist”, the directorate has the honour to advise you, esteemed sir, that Mr. Rosenberger had proposed to accept the new name “Sosietet de L. U,” but that the general meeting on 28 November did not accept this proposal: it just wanted to express in its name support for the “International Academy of the Universal Language,” and for this reason it adopted in its title the word “Neutral,” i.e. the name of the Universal Language developed by the Academy through many years of diligent labour.

By this name it just wanted to accomplish a certain act of piety or tact in the Academy's favour. On this occasion, the directorate must express its regret that your circulars and the official part of “Diskussiones” of the Academy are not edited in Idiom Neutral, the language of the Academy, which is more understandable than “Latine sine Flexione” because the latter is too Latin. 

The name “Akademi de Lingu Universal, seksion de St. Petersburg,” is totally unsuitable for our group, because (following the statute), it is not a linguistic institute. —

Sincere felicitations on the occasion of the new year!

Best wishes for the success in the Academy's work!

For the president: Vicepresident A. Ramback

Secretary J. Hersch


[1] Konsent is the expected form here.