Rosenberger to Peano

Idiom Neutral

11/24 oktobr 1909

A s. prof. G. Peano in Turin

S. direktor estimed!

Sekuantu votr ordr mi av avised direktor de „Freiherrl. Carl von Rothschildsche öffentliche Bibliothek” in Frankfurt a/M, ke sirkulari desired, i.e. da N35–95 potes esar vended pro 6 franki e ke „Discussiones”, prov-numr de keli esav mited, kost 10 franki usk desembr 1910. Simomente mi resiv respond tekstu: „Die käufliche Erwerbung der „Discussiones” und der „Circuläre” muss sich die Anstalt zu ihrem Bedauern versagen”. 

Istkos signifik, ke bibliotek no volu usar 6, respektive[1] 10 franki, pro obyekti nomed. Ili es tro kar! 

Relativu pris de Discussiones omnihom dik, ke 10 franki es tro kar: salt de 3 fr. pro sirkulari a 10 fr. pro D. es tro grand e, if on kompar numr 1 de Disc. ko kelkun numr de Progreso, kel kost sole 5 franki pro anu, pris de 10 fr. sembl esar tro kar. 

In ist temp, in kel nostr regenti (agenti?)[2] inbras se et mi vok: Ke Italia bel viv!

Votr leplu devot


Lingu anglik

11/24 October 1909

To Prof. G. Peano in Turin

Esteemed director!

Following your order I have advised the director of “Freiherrlich Carl von Rothschildsche öffentliche Bibliothek” in Frankfurt am Main that the desired circulars, i.e. from №35–95 can be sold for 6 franks and that “Discussiones”, a proof copy of which was sent, costs 10 franks until December 1910. The response I am receiving at this moment is: “The institute, to its regret, must refuse the purchase of Discussiones and the circulars.”

This means that the library does not want to spend 6 and 10 franks respectively for the items named. They are too expensive!

Regarding the price of Discussiones, everyone says that 10 franks is too expensive: the jump from 3 franks for the circulars to 10 franks for Discussiones is too large and, if one compares the first issue of Discussiones with any issue of Progreso, which costs only 5 Franks a year, the price of 10 franks seems to be too expensive.

At this time in which our regents (agents?) embrace one another, I too call out: May beautiful Italy live!

Your most devoted



[1] The placement of respektive here reflects the use of beziehungsweise (bzw.) in German, which appears beween the two options rather than after; e.g., in einem bzw. drei Jahren (in one or three years, respectively).
[2] October 24, 1909: At the Italian city of Racconigi, Tsar Nicholas II of Russia was hosted by King Victor Emmanuel III. The foreign ministers of the two nations, Tomasso Tittoni and Aleksandr Izvolsky, exchanged diplomatic notes on an informal agreement for Russia and Italy to support each other's interests in the Balkans and in the Ottoman Empire. (From Wikipedia).