Rosenberger to Peano

Idiom Neutral

Alpnach-Dorf 9 yuli 1909
Pension Trautheim

A sinior prof. G. Peano in Turin

S. direktor multe estimed!

Votr letr datu 4 yuli esav resived. Mi mersi! Mi no potes komprendar nesesitet de vokali final sine intent spesial, p.e. figura, forma. Vo aut indik in votr Vocabulario, ke ist a es mutato in e vel suppresso in FAD, i.e. in lingui prinsipal de Europ, e mi pens, ke konservasion de ist finiadi don no sole longitet superflu, ma et nefasilitet pro ist nasioni. Adyektivi ko -al, kuale in formal, truv se et in otr paroli, p.e. national, minimal, punctual, keli no av a in nominativ. — Mi pens otrflanke, ke vokali final esero neses pro formi gramatikal e pro buti (intenti) fonetikal.

Mi observ, ke in mie tabeli de literi sibilant, mi no av mensioned pronunsiasion de t ante i ko vokal sekuant, p.e. Kroatia, nation. Mi pens, ke pronunsiasion leplu pertinent pro L.U. es tz IDR. Ergo mi preg vo introdukar in tabeli, ante imprimasion, a un kolumn vertikal, e nome kolumn nomed „In medi de paroli” deb avar du sub-kolumni: 1) „Intr vokali” 2) „Ante i ko vokal sekuant”. Ist kolumn ultim deb kontenar liter t in kolumn horisontal „tz” de tabel „Soni”. In tabel „Konsonanti” on deb adyunktar ankor un kolumn horizontal[1] ko liter t in omni kuadrati ekseptu kuadrat in kolumn nov, in kel on deb plasar „tz”; kolumn vertikal ultim „arch” (?) resivero sole liniet. Kolumni „Eksempli” resivero: „Kroatia, nation”.

Regrete mi no komprend bene fras „Mi desidera de voca socio corresp. ..., quod exige 65 die?” kause mi no av siloke votr proyekt de 15 IV, kel vo mension. — Mi volu adyunktar, ke mi av nokos kontr nom „membr korespondent” loku „membr aksioner”; mi prefer ipse nom prim. Relativu votr yur fasiar it mi pens, ke vo potes fasiar it ko not, ke vo fasi it ya sitempe suposante ke Akademi avero nokos kontr, — ye vo preg votasion di istkos e vo konservero future nom „membr aksioner”, if resultat[2] de votasion demandero konservasion de ist nom ultim.

Mi no komprend „Mes recapitu usque die 12:” 

Ko saluti kordial mi rest, votr serv leplu devot

W. Rosenberger 

Lingu anglik

Alpnach-Dorf 9 July 1909
Pension Trautheim

To Prof. G. Peano in Turin

Estimeed director!

Your letter dated 4 July was received. I thank you! I cannot understand the need for final vowels without a special intent, e.g., figura, forma. You yourself indicate in your Vocabulario that this a is a change in e and/or a suppression in French, English and German, i.e. in the main languages of Europe, and I think that the conservation of these endings give not only superfluous length but also difficulty for these nations. Adjectives with -al, as in formal, are also found in other words, e.g. national, minimal, punctual, which do not have a in the nominative. — On the other hand, I think that final vowels will be necessary for grammatical forms and for phonetical aims.

I observe that in my tables of sibilant letters, I have no mentioned the pronunciation of t before i with a vowel following, e.g. Kroatia, nation. I think that the most pertinent pronunciation for the Universal Language is tz (as in) Italian, German and Russian. Therefore I request you introduce in the tables, before printing, one vertical column for each, namely, the column named “In the middle of words” should have two subcolumns: 1) “Between vowels” 2) “Before i with a vowel following”. This last column should contain the letter t in the horizontal column “tz” of the table “Sounds”. In the table “Consonants”, one should also add a horizontal column with the letter t in all squares except the square in the new column, in which on should place “tz”; the last vertical column “arch” will receive only a dash. The column “Examples” will receive: “Kroatia, nation”. 

Unfortunately I do not understand well the phrase “Mi desidera de voca socio corresp. ..., quod exige 65 die?” because I do not have here your project of the 15 IV, which you mention. — U want to add that I have nothing against the name “membr korespondent” in place of “membr aksioner”; in fact, I prefer the first name. Regarding your right to do it, I think that you can do it with a note that you are already doing it supposing that the Academy will have nothing against it, — however, you request a vote about it and you will keep in future the name “membr aksioner” if the result of the vote demands the keeping of this last name.

I do not understand “Mes recapitu usque die 12:

With cordial salutations I remain your most devoted servant

W. Rosenberger


[1] In 1902 Idiom Neutral: horisontal, as elsewhere in this letter.
[2] In 1902 Idiom Neutral: resultad. The use of resultat is found in Reform-Neutral.